day before surgery and having anxiety issues about dying anyone else have this

i would really like to hear other peoples take on this or their experience cause im stomach is doing flips and i feel like barfing :p please HELP!!!    — gelicadoll (posted on April 19, 2010)

April 19, 2010
I had my surgery on April 5 with much anxiety. In addition to this being the first surgery I every had I also never had an IV until about 3 weeks prior. I freaked a little bit about the anesthesia and dying but I remained focused on the goal, trusted in modern medicine, and was at peace with God, through prayer with myself, family, and pastor. Now that I am on the other side I understand why I was anxious and that my thoughts and feeling were valid and normal. Reality is that I am here doing well - already lost 43 pounds, and feeling fine.
   — jmbatlanta

April 19, 2010
Yes, I had it when I had my first WLS in 97 and the revision in 00. It's fairly common. It was so bad in 97 that for a couple weeks beforehand I would have panic attacks so bad that I just knew I was going to throw up and pass out. My husband at the time had to make several mad dashes for the side of the road. Surgery is serious stuff so it is normal to be nervous but what helped me was focusing on what my life was like before surgery, how miserable I was and then thinking about how my life would be after surgery. Also, as another poster said I made sure I made things right with my Lord and Savior and I also made sure that everyone of my family and close friends knew how very much I loved them. Then you just get your game face on and go for it!! Please let us know once you have crossed over to the loser's side, ok? Take care and God bless you.
   — Kellye C.

April 19, 2010
RNY 2 June 2009 and I would be worried if you didn't have any anxiety or worries. This is natural and once you are will be surprised how quickly you are being nudged to wake up and being told ....your procedure is done. Your weight loss brothers and sisters will all keep you in our thoughts and prayers and will await your first email too all of us telling us how good you are feeling. Good luck and welcome to the official "loser's bench."
   — karensaporito

April 19, 2010
I know how you feel. I hope I never have to feel that anxious about anything ever again. I am not one to get like that...ever! I was so scared and I was alone through the whole thing. I was new to the city where I live and my husband was far, far away working. You just focus on what you have to do and let the doctors do their job. I completely agree with what Jim said. You cannot worry about what you can do nothing about. Just believe in the positive and remember that no one goes anywhere until it's time and then it doesn't matter what you are doing. Can't wait to hear from you afterwards. Stay calm and focused on the hard work that is yet to come. God bless!
   — lryan106

April 20, 2010
My surgery is 1 week from tommorow on the 28th and I am sure I will have some of these fears but, I totally trust my Surgeon and know that I am good hands! I am also a Christian and not scared of death. Just always remember to tell the ones you love every chance you get because you never know in this world when it could be your last. You will do great and we will be looking forward to seeing your update after surgery. God Bless You My Friend!
   — trying2findmyself

April 20, 2010
Anxiety is very normal. Each time I have had surgery, and I have had 17 surgeries, I get anxious. But you are doing something for your good and you are placing yourself in very capable hands. They wouldn't be operating, I feel unless they felt it was in your best interest and all would be good. Any surgery carries risk but the great advances in medicine, and especially laproscopic lessens that risk. In my opinion, God is in control and He will send His angels to watch over you. Peace
   — Margiejo5811

April 20, 2010
My surgery is May 12th and I am pretty much terified already. But I know that in the long run this is the best decision I will ever make for myself. Hang in there - it will be great!
   — Cherish F.

April 20, 2010
I would be more concerned if you weren't anxious - I was terrified!!! Had all my plans made ahead of time - what to do about kids, grands, buriel etc... sure am glad it is over and it was the best thing I have ever done for ME!!
   — sheri139

April 20, 2010
yes I was so scared the day before the surgery and the day of surgery.I worried did I tell everyone that I loved them,I also wrote instructions where they could find Important papers and money. I should of not even worried because I was in very capable hands with Dr.A. I would be more worried if you didn't get scared, it is major surgery after all. I believe that everyone goes through this stage before any surgeries.
   — Mary D.

April 21, 2010
I just had my lap-band this past Monday, April 19, and I had a very strong AWARENESS of that possibility, but I wouldn't really call it severe anxiety. Which is actually pretty funny in my case (and somewhat unexplainable) because I've had panic disorder/panic attacks for more than 30 years. I had faith in my surgeon - he's terrific - and in the staff at the hospital. A healthy dose of anxiety is perfectly normal before any surgery. In the days pre-op I let my family all know how much I love them, but tried to do it without any unnecessary drama. And for my teenage son I left a letter which - had I not come through the surgery - he would have found on my desk. It was mostly about him and how proud I am to be his dad, and very up-beat. Don't be afraid of being afraid - it's normal and probably a healthy response to a possibly risky event.
   — Harry Marnell

April 28, 2010
Yes -- mine came and went several times over the course of my near year long trek. It's always a possibility. My wife asked me to print something with all my life insurance and stuff. I ended up doing a ulogy, funeral plans, etc. It made me feel better and a little more confident about the procedure. Now am 2 weeks post and -50lbs.
   — drcrews

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