Eating in the morning

I have lots of trouble eating in the morning, but it seems to get better throughout the day, I'm 6 weeks post op (VSG). Has anyone else experienced this?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on April 17, 2010)

April 17, 2010
I had RNY on 2/19/10. I have never been a morning eater and I found that this didn't change much. I try to drink in the early morning and then eat a little later. This works for me. I do not like the protein shakes so I just drink water or tea. Sometimes I drink fat free milk for the protein. I found that I have more problems with texture early in the morning but like you it gets better throughout the day.
   — tandalyncarter

April 17, 2010
I had lap band in February. The thought of food first thing in the morning is a major issue. I've always been one to love breakfast and wanted to eat as soon as my feet hit the floor. Not anymore. I do coffee and then around 9 or so I eat cold cereal. Seems to work better for me...then continue on with lunch, a cheese string or small serving of fruit around 3 and the dinner at 6-7pm. My surgeon explained that my band is tighter in the morning so an early,heavy breakfast is out of the question.
   — kchooker

April 17, 2010
Congratulations on your surgery, now let's get down to business my weight loss sister. I know I must get in 60 grams of protein a day. I do not know what your Dr. has told you but protein is essential with our surgeries. Can you do protein shakes, I usually take my first protein shakes at around 8:30. To me it is criminal when a surgeon doesn't tell their patients what they should have or have not. My awesome Dr. gave me a booklet with everything in it, including my different phases of foods and vitamin regime. Our surgeries are a life changing experience in our lives, therefore we should be taught the new way of eating. Thank God I went to the Dr. I went to. Love yourself that much to demand to know what you need for this. Good luck!
   — FSUMom

April 17, 2010
I had the DS in May of '09. I had trouble eating at any time of day for the first 4 weeks or so. After that I had a better time of it. We all progress differently but it sounds like you're probably not that different than many of us. Keep on fighting the good fight. You're gonna love how muhc better you life will be!!
   — Mike A.

April 17, 2010
You are still very new to this journey..only 6 weeks. Try just doing a protein shake in the mornings. I use the Premier brand chocolate shakes from Costco. 32 grams of protein, almost no sugar or fat and they are yummy! We have a tendency to accumulate fluid while in bed sleeping, your pouch is smaller, but that will improve through the day. You have done a great thing for yourself with this of luck on your journey!
   — Bonnie H.

April 18, 2010
Thanks for all your replys. It sounds like I'm right on track. That makes me feel alot better. Grandma64
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 19, 2010
Try a cup of lite yougurt. I used to gag on yougurt but now love it and have one cup every morning
   — Muggs

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