surgery and plavix

Has anyone been on plavix during their gastric bypass surgery?    — cuppaloopy (posted on August 26, 2009)

August 26, 2009
I have and what was required was that I discontinue Plavix for 3 days prior to surgery and then I resumed Plavix therapy approximately 5 days after surgery.
   — PBandJ

August 27, 2009
I was on Plavix and asprin both were stopped a week before surgery. A year later I still am not on either.
   — trible

August 27, 2009
Your Dr. should discontinue this med several days before surgery. It can cause excessive blood loss since it is a blood thinner. Make sure you discuss this with your Doc. Best wishes, Trish
   — dragonflier

August 27, 2009
Yes. My surgeon discontinued it and the 81mg aspirin 7 days prior to surgery. It is up to your doctor to decide when or if to resume taking it. Nancy
   — flybaby46

August 27, 2009
My cardiologist doesn't want me to stop taking it. He said they can do the surgery while I'm on it. He said because its a laproscopic surgery it's less invasive and less bleeding. I don't know what to do. I'm hoping there is something else they can do or give me because my surgeon wants me off of it for a week. I certainely didn't come this far to be turned down now.
   — cuppaloopy

August 27, 2009
One more thing did you have a stent put in your heart. That is why he doesn't want me to stop the plavix. He said my stent could clot.
   — cuppaloopy

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