
I am 8 months out RNY and trying to find a multi vitamin that does not make me sick. I have tried gummies, chewables along with easy to swallow ones, but they all make me so nauseated. Does anyone else have this problem, and are there any good ones to order online?    — Finally_Me (posted on April 2, 2009)

April 2, 2009
I take a liquid vitamin once a day (Vit-acell) that tastes like strong orange juice. The only thing it doesn't contain is the calcium citrate, which should be taken separately from some of the vitamins in the liquid. It costs $26, and I get it at a place called either Max Muscle or Muscle Max. It's really pretty good. I take my biotin and my thyroid and my vitamin K with it, since you have to down a whole ounce of it.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

April 2, 2009
I'll be 5 months out on Saturday and I've been taking Women's One A Day since my 2 month check-up...did your NUT suggest anything to you instead of the gummies, chewables, etc...??
   — debz_58

April 2, 2009
My NUT suggested liquids first, then gummies, chewables, then gummies. I am afraid I am not getting enough nutrients from the gummies, but the tablets and chewables make me dump horribly for some reason. :(
   — Finally_Me

April 2, 2009
oops, gummies, then tablets!
   — Finally_Me

April 2, 2009
I've been a long time advocate of liquid vitamins. One ounce in the morning, and I'm done with vitamins for the day. I use NHR Epic Ultra liquid vitamins, and these actually taste like apple cider. I've shared these vitamins with many of my post op support group members, and all of us have received very good lab reports, indicating how well the NHR vitamins work. These cost close to $30 a month if one bottle is ordered, but you can save money by buying 5 bottles at a time, net cost with shipping is $23.15 a month. I speak about these in more detail on my profile page, both in blogs and my long profile story. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

April 2, 2009
I take my vitamins 2 X's a day and they are 13.99 buy one get one free from Walgreens, also take calcium citrate, and B12 under my tongue 3 X's a week, my blood work has been good for the last 2 times, I am 8 months out and lost 103 pounds. woo hoo
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 2, 2009
Bariatric vitamins are best, read the labels on percentage of type of vitamins are in each dose; they are chewable, no sugar and taste great. Gummy chewable kids vitamins are for kids, and do not allow for adequate absorption if you have RYN which is a mal-absorption for food too. Remember, you will need to take them for the rest of your life.
   — sor09

April 3, 2009
That's the reason I can't take liquid vitamins well...They burn and make me sick as well. Even many chewable vitamins that I have tried over the years will also make me a little nauseous as well...So I often take my multivitamins just after lunch so the vitamins are on top of some food or I take with a little something fatty (like raw almonds or avocado, peanutbutter, olive oil, a little sip of milk or bite of cottage cheese as well.) These fatty foods coat well and stop the burn. Plus, if you are taking any ole chewable/ regular fat soluble vitamins, the fat can aid in absorption, the rest are mainly water soluble so I chew it with a sip of water and I'm fine! This advice was from my Nut. Eating a little tiny spritz of good fat with( at the same time as) any raw or vitamin rich veggies and grains will aid in absorption of natural fat soluble vitamins in those foods as well. I usually pan fry my veggies in a spritz of olive oil (No butter) or use a oil and vinegar dressing on salads for this reason as well. Vitamins can be quite harsh on a sensitive pouch...Mine was for many years! It's gotten better though...
   — .Anita R.

April 4, 2009
I ordered a sample package from bariatric advantage and found their vitamns very agreeable i liked just getting the sample pakage to give them a test drive first and they also use the best forms of vitamins and minerals i like the orange multi - the lemon lime iron - berry b12 - mint calcium!!! get the sample pack and see for yourself
   — amber34482

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