I have hyperthyriod and i take two pill a day.

Has anyone had this problem before surgery?    — tmparker (posted on March 25, 2009)

March 25, 2009
Do you mean hypothyroidism? Most people with HYPERthyroidism are quite thin no matter HOW much they eat due to the high metabolism that they have. I have hypothyroidism and have taken both synthroid and levothyroxin to help boost my thyroid hormones. Both seem to work equally well for me. You do have to be careful with your medication as you are losing weight since your dosage will change due to the weight loss. Make certain that your physician keeps an eye on your blood work, and have the levels of the hormone checked on a regular basis. I hope that this helps to answer your questions. If you have any more, please do not hesitate to ask. Hugh
   — hubarlow

March 26, 2009
I too have hyPOthyroidism and have not had any problems. I had surgery 2-11-09. I still take my meds, but it did not stop me from being approved for surgery.
   — kfgates

March 27, 2009
I have hypothyroidism. I still take my pills. They are small enough that it should go down no matter how much my band gets tightened. Also, you may have to get it adjusted (dosage) as you lose weight, but from my understanding its something that won't go away (at least that's what I have been told) LOL
   — clg6n

March 27, 2009
My two friends with HYPER thyroid are bean poles! I am hypothyroid and have to take pills to keep my metabolism going...I know when my dose is wrong cause my hair fails out, my nails crack and split, my skin gets ashen, I get tired and sluggish and I gain a little weight for no good reason! Is this what you are talking about? I was before surgery and it all went back to normal for the last 5 years post surgery....then dropped again and I am struggling to get my meds correct as we speak! I think I go in and out of lows with my thyroid...It's natural for metabolism to slow as we age...and I am beginning to feel my age more and more! UGH! But you can control your weight with meds! Just gotta keep an eye on it (Better than I do anyway!) I am way overdue for thyroid labs!
   — .Anita R.

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