heartburn/acid reflux

I am a post op lap band patient --- 3 weeks ago I had a fill and was told to stop taking the nexium caps. well, I've been getting a little heartburn/acid sometimes, mostly in the evening, should I take an antacid of some kind?    — pocochic (posted on March 23, 2009)

March 23, 2009
You need to be taking SOMETHING because heratburn/reflux is one of the most common side effects of lapband. I took Gaviscon liquid and it really helped. Hope this helped.
   — lt63

March 23, 2009
Hi Theresa! I had Lap RNY over a year ago and was told by my surgeon's office that I too could stop the Nexium to see if I really needed to continue it. Well, I stopped it and then on the 5th day, I began to feel the beginnings of the old burning sensation in my chest. I immediately went back on it and felt 100% better after I had taken it again for 2 days. Please check with your physician immediately to determine what you should be taking! Good luck to you! Marion
   — dsmuffin

March 23, 2009
At about 1 year from my LAP/RNY I started have the same problem. My acid reflux was at night and was so bad it woke me up with the worst burning sensation - I had to get a SF popsicle to cool it down. My brother is a physician and told me not to take acid reflux lightly - it can lead to serious problems. The doctor put me on Nexium and I've been fine ever since. He also told me not to eat before I go to bed.
   — Muggs

March 24, 2009
I would check wit hthe Dr on this. I know I struggle with tit and my surgeon is watching very closely to make sure no damage is done from the band. Don't leet it go, call and ask what they want you to do. I know the nexium is very useful with this.
   — Michele S.

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