why is this taking so long?

i have started my journey in January 09. I'm going to have a RNY I already went thru Orentation, and meet with my doctor. I have been doing great with my weight loss. Following everrything. I just wish I can get to the weight I I need to be to see the physiologist. It seems as if 1 pound compared to the 17 I have already lost is taking forevr to get off. I must be at a platoe or something because I'm drinking my water and I exercise every day for 30 minutes. I eat right take my vitamins What can be going on that I lose just one pound? I know that muscle weighs more then fat but give a break. Do I realy have to wait until I lose this one pound to make my appointment to go to the physiologist. I would like to know if anyone has this happen to them and what did they do? I'm not going to give up I'm going to keep moving foward.    — treeeza (posted on March 17, 2009)

March 17, 2009
Just make the appointment and by the time it comes around, you'll probably have lost that one pound anyway! Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

March 17, 2009
Sometimes when we focus on losing weight, it won't come off. try to relax. Set up the appointment. You can do a liquid diet for a couple days to push the weight down. Sometimes though we eat too little and then the weight stays on. Journal what you eat. Be sure you are getting at least 1200 calories. Most likely you should be at 1600. I use for journaling my food. It is easy to use and free.
   — trible

March 17, 2009
I think if your were to cut down on your calories and fat a little bit more for just a couple of days then you should push through your plateau. Your body is used to you eating the same day after day, so just change it up for a day or two and you should be fine. Good Luck....
   — deannhuss

March 17, 2009
One easy thing that you can do without straying from your diet at all is to maybe step up your exercise a little to say 45 mins. a day. In general when trying to lose weight the ideal exercise time is 1 hour 5-6 days a week (that's without surgery). So maybe you can work your way up to 45 mins a day even if only a couple days a week. That will definitely help to burn the fat while keeping you from obsessing over calories.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 17, 2009
We just had a mini class on this at work the other day. They were talking about exercise plateaus. They said sometimes you are doing everything right, but your body has become accustomed to the type of exercises done day after day. Their suggestion was to switch it up a little bit to confuse the body. Don't do the same routine - maybe do cardio a little longer, or do things reverse of what you normally do. I guess when it comes to exercise, the body is like the brain - We know the words to a song, but what happens when it is played backwards? We would have to relearn it again. The same with exercise.
   — Dawn A.

March 18, 2009
The last pound seems to always be the hardest! Reduce your fat intake, increase your fiber (salad), and do more cardio. Sometimes, these programs can be sticklers for stupid stuff, but by the time your appointment comes around, you will probably have lost tht pound, and a few more! Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 18, 2009
I just want to say Thank you for all your answers. I went a head and called I'm just waiting for them to call me back. Thanks again Theresa L
   — treeeza

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