Struggling with my self control

I am having trouble with eating when I am already full. I have come so far and hate to have to fight myself to stay on track. It has only been seven months and I am already struggling. I had trouble with solid food and only recently could eat them. I now find I want to eat everything. I ahve trouble telling when I am full but even when I know I am full I want to eat. I put everything out of sight and concentrate on other things. It is working ok. I am still losing weight but I am shocked how hard it is all of the sudden. Any ideas how to quiet this crazy craving to eat all the time?    — trible (posted on February 18, 2009)

February 18, 2009
I used to be the same way. I'm 1 1/2 yrs out now. What I did was decide how many calories I could eat in one day (1000 is what I chose). Then I divided that by three meals and stuck to it. I made the decision to eat fruit when I have the urge to eat. I've even started eating new fruits that I've never tried before.
   — angelalynn1968

February 18, 2009
I went back to Overeaters Anonymous. They understand the compulsion to overeat! Good luck, Rena (RNY 4/30/08) 112# (lost 115#)
   — RenaMansi

February 18, 2009
HI, THANK YOU FOR POSTING Not everyone would when facing diffacult times as this.I too had my surgery on July 16,08, so I hear ya I struggled a little at 6 months and I had to stand back and think what was going on in my life that I was turning to old habits and I saw boredom and had to think about where I was 6 months prior and what I wanted in the years to come. First, think about what is going on in your life that has changed stress, work, family? What is going on? Why are you wanting to eat especially when you are full. If u need to seek counseling do so, u have come to far to turn back, we need to be incontrol all the time, If u had a eating disorder prior to surgery seek counseling do not be ashamed hold your head high THIS IS YOUR LIFE, TAKE CONTROL DO NOT LET THE FOOD WIN AS ANY ADDICTION IT IS OUR CHOICE.(I of all people know it is hard) I try to stay busy and am involved with Church and fundraisers anything to keep busy do not buy garbage if someone else wants it let them buy and store it away from you, You have come to far in this journey to let food control you, I applaud u for seeing a problem and asking for help by this you have helped someone else that was too scared to post. Please go to your doc tell him your issues share your fears, talk talk talk, I want to live as I am sure you do I am not going to let food take away my life and become that sad fat person I was a few short months ago , email me any time we can talk here or personially [email protected]
   — Tammi Sandoval

February 18, 2009
Yep, this surgery is great because you physically change, yet your brain, as a heavier person, has stayed the same. I think we all have to deal with this at some time or another. There are great programs for your body, i.e. exercise or weight watchers, but where are the programs for your mind? It is tough. I can only suggest what someone else has suggested. Choose your caloric intake, keep a food journal and be strict about it until you get back in the habit. I had to seek assistance from a therapist. I have learned a lot about what made me fat to begin with. My thoughts are with you though - being aware of it is the first step. Peace.
   — JaimeK

February 18, 2009
It is always a brain issue with all of us. I always say I will be a fat women inside no matter what size my pants are! We have to learn what works for us to over come the want to keep eating. I still have trouble and I am 3 years out. Right now I am prego and want everything in site. Yes, it is good for me to gain weight, but I still need to be careful not to over indulge. Just remember, you did this for a reason. Get that reason back in your mind and concentrate on your happier moments. You are stronger then your brain!
   — stephaniejackson

February 18, 2009
Thank you all for your support and help. I have been given some great ideas.
   — trible

February 18, 2009
Just remember that this is a tool, not a cure all. You have to remember how many years you were used to using food as a crutch. That doesn't go away with the surgery. I know when I am full, but the feeling in my stomach is what I always thought of as hunger, so that is hard, but I am learning. I talked to one of the counselors at the weight loss center and he said it is a form of grieving because we can't use food like we are used to using it. We just need to find something to take our mind off of it - develop a hobby, or just get out to take your mind off of it.
   — Dawn A.

February 19, 2009
I agree with everyone and just wanted to add...I also have this trouble with night snacking. I have found that I can have my snacks as long as they are planned and good choices. I account for my night snacking and keep healthy choices stocked! If I don't...I'm looking to pull out the baking stuff! EEK! That's not always a good idea! So...I keep yogurt and fruit, nuts salad stuff with those 1 calorie salad sprays! Carrot sticks...humus, cottage cheese...low fat cheeses! I take pepperoni that I nuke and make crispy chips from ...Can do with grated cheese too and pat off the fats! SF pudding and jello...etc! I allow myself these things at planned times...KNOWING that I will get my snack keeps it more controlled! Having good choices around also helps! Brush your teeth right after a meal with really minty toothpaste...This tells your mouth, head and belly that you are done eating. NOTHING but water tastes good after brushing your teeth with mint! It helps... And your dental hygienist will be bored to death on your visits! Also...ask yourself "WHY" do I want to eat more when I am not hungry? Sometimes, you might just need a hug...Go grab someone and hug them! If I can't find someone...I pull out the green tea bags from the freezer and put them under my eyes and the face masks and nail protein treatments and stuff to pamper my skin and nails along with a cup of hot tea! Or a hot bubble bath by candlelight and a cup of hot SF "something or other"... It's almost like a self-hug...Or I pull out my yoga tapes and breath and meditate...It's nice for melting stress or boredom, which are my two BIGGEST triggers to want to eat! If it's not too late...I run out to the store and "window" shop...or go to the Book store and sit and read magazines/cook books...getting new gardening ideas...or just skim thru books I am too cheap to buy! LOL You have to find what works for you because we all have eating disorders that brought us to these drastic measures...Knowing that you are not alone, I hope it helps somehow!
   — .Anita R.

February 19, 2009
I don't know what surgery you had but I had the VSG which means the glands that created craving where gone. I did learn about head hunger which is craving things we see. I put those things out of site. Was very strict with my husband about not seeing him eat those things. I know what my triggers are to start eating, so if I'm expecting those triggers. I throw out food that I think will get me into trouble. I also bought a special bowl and plate that is small to remind me how much to eat. Right now, I don't eat much because of some other issues but I felt like the small bowl and small plate would help my eyes get on a right portion size for me. Best wishes
   — Corina C

March 5, 2009
I can completely relate. I feel like the "grazing" is coming back to me. My plan to get back on track is to start going to all the sporting events at the HS in town or attend my grandsons baseball games to get me out of the house and moving. Esp. with spring and summer right around the corner. Hang in there. Spring/Summer are always months when I start to liven up again. Hoping to kick start the WL again and get in my exercise.
   — Laurie H.

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