I feel like something is stuck in my throat, has this ever happened to you?

I am a year post-op and have been over eating some and taking in more junk foods. Three weeks ago, I woke up in a coughing spell and since then I feel like something is lodged in my throat. At times I have pressure in my sternum and a wave of nausea but after weeks this constant feeling is there. I see my doctor next week but wondered if you have ever heard of this?    — tigerlil58 (posted on February 15, 2009)

February 14, 2009
I haven't had my surgery yet but your problem could be a residual sensation left by the overeating episode you had. Equivalent to a sore throat yet further down the esophagus. Best to see your doc to make sure you don't have a tear. I have an infrequent disorder called 'hook esophagus'. It's an unexplained spasm of the esophagus that causes it to form a twisting, J-hook like shape, releases and repeats several times. Thankfully I've had only 2 episodes in my life. It is VERY painful, feels like you're choking and having a heart attack at the same time. The reason I tell you this is because for at least a week or more after this happened, I had a strong sensation that something was stuck in my throat when I knew from the x-rays done at the ER showed no obstructions. Again, do see your doctor to make sure you don't have any issues requiring further treatment. And stay on these boards and let all these wonderful, experienced folks here help you get back on track. You don't want to un-do a year's worth of weight loss by allowing bad foods and bad habits take control of your life again. Get any junk food outta your house right now! If you have others that it was meant for, tell 'em they don't need it either. Make your lifestyle change the example for all others to inspire change in them too to a healthy, conscious eating style. You're worth it!
   — Arkin10

February 15, 2009
You probably need to see your doc ASAP. Sounds like a tear or that you actually have food stuck in your esophagus. Neither is good and needs immediate medical attention. Let us know what happens and how you do. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

February 15, 2009
It sounds like a problem one of my friends was having w/reflux. Just a suggestion try some tums and see if it relieves that pressure by your sternum. Good luck hun.
   — Julzizhr

February 15, 2009
You should see your doctor right away. Waiting for weeks when you have a problem is not a good idea. You need to keep on top of things because what is a simple fix can turn into a major problem.
   — trible

February 16, 2009
It sounds like you have gotten good advise. Julie mentioned acid reflux which was a problem I was having postop. Spots showed up in a CTScan and here I was having reflux and aspitating it into my lungs. I would wake up at night with terrible pain in my esophagus - so bad I bought some sugar free popsicles just to sooth the pain. I'm glad you're going to a doctor. Maureen, Akron
   — Muggs

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