
OK, I have a silly but serious question!??? What if you absolutely hate sweets.!!!! I,(HATE),okay,laugh! sweets,chocolate and anything that is sweet,including sesame chicken @ Carrs,NO,offense but I absolutely detest sweets!! If we could make stiff taste like rice,pasta,OFMG,SALAD, we are in like flinn!! Please help,I truly know that I am in entire trouble come time for protein shakes!!!! Any Suggestions!!!!!????? LOOKING FORWARD TO SURGERY!!!!    — kurtsgirl (posted on November 22, 2008)

November 22, 2008
There are many protein supplements that do not taste sweet. Mix the unflavored ones with other low fat food items. A friend of mine mixes unflavored Unjury with non fat salad dressings, home made tomato sauces, applesauce, etc. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

November 22, 2008
LOL.... I'm with you! I'm not normally a sweets person either but put pasta, rice, bread, or that kind of thing in front of me...... that's where my problem is. If you like peanut butter, you could always mix an unflavoured protein drink with "pb2". That's what I plan on doing. It's a powdered peanut butter with 85% less fat and no sugar and I've heard that it's really good. If you Google it, the website for it comes up. It's Bell Plantation or something along that line. Good luck on your surgery!!!
   — Stephanie L.

November 22, 2008
Nobody likes sweets ALL the time...but you can have other liquids than the protein shakes the first two weeks before surgery, take this is a very serious thing and your health should be the first thing that you should be worried about not sweets.....
   — DianeLuvsflowers

November 22, 2008
Don't sweat it. There are plenty of protein shakes that are not sweet so you'll have loads to choose from when the time comes. I completely understand what you're feeling though. When I had my surgery, I couldn't stand the thought of having to drink them. I would literally gag while I was making them. Lots of protein is something that you HAVE to do if you want to stay healthy and there's no way you'll even come close to getting in your required amount thru food alone so find the best shake you can for your taste and then do whatever it takes to make sure you're drinking them every day. Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 22, 2008
Unjury Protein makes unflavored protein powder that can be added/stirred in to other foods. They also make chicken-soup flavored protein that can be drank like hot chicken broth. They have a website. I think it may be but you can just type in Unjury Protein to do an internet search.
   — Gina S.

November 22, 2008
Unflavored protien powder (I use soy cos I hate whey!) and blend it with chicken bouillon or some sort of savory broth you like. Now that it is winter, a nice war/hot cup of soup will hit the spot and it will be loaded with protien. And if your further out, you can add some ground flax seed for fiber, a lil more protien and omega 3's and get a heartier meal. Oh man, I feel like having it now! lol
   — ImanAbdulaziz

November 23, 2008
Check out this website that my nurse practitioner suggested: They have EVERYTHING for post op protein needs, including protiein soups. Good Luck with your surgery.
   — cydthekid50

November 23, 2008
I sip a creamy tomato soup with 23g protein. Definitely not sweet. These things are out there for the finding. :-)
   — Ruth Shapovalov

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