Post-op soda (reg. or diet) drinkers out there?

I know I will catch a lot of "shame on you's" for this one, but I have to ask! Soda is the number one thing that is bothering me, I can't seem to get over the fact that I can never again have a pepsi! I'm curious if there are ANY post-op's out there who maintain at goal, and drink soda, whether it be regular or diet? I know this is the kind of thinkin' that can be my downfall, right now I'm just curious. Thanks for any replys, I appreciate it!    — paislieghstar (posted on October 18, 2008)

October 18, 2008
I had a lapband placed 17 months ago and am scared to death to have soda. They said not to and I have not. I miss the taste so much, I have taken just a tiny sip- just for the taste, not not an actual "drink"- I'm just afraid of the carbonation ruining my pouch. But, I may be overly paranoid- I've heard others say that they still have soda/beer without any problwem. I just don't want to risk it myself.
   — Tamjpjb

October 18, 2008
I confess I drink carbonated drinks. I have ONE sugar free energy drink every morning. That means caffeine -which is two strikes! I just sip it VERY slowly so that it's almost flat by the time I'm done. Sometimes it takes me 3-4 hours to finish a large Monster S/F drink. I'm a few years out so I can't guarantee that your results will be the same. I've not had any negative side effects and have maintained a good weight loss.
   — mrwolnik

October 18, 2008
I was a big pepsi/coke drinker before my surgery almost a year ago and I wondered how I'd make it without it but I have. I have tried diet soda a couple of times but it gases up the pouch and doesn't feel good so I have been able to do without and I don't miss it. I "hate" water and so I drink a lot of diet and lite juices which sit well with me.
   — PAWLLA L.

October 18, 2008
Personally, I was never a big soda drinker - I would buy the small/mini cans and usually never finish those and would only drink one or two a month. I had LAP/RNY on 2/15/07. I feel the urge and/or crave a soda from time to time - I take small sip and burp/fart for an hour. I feel bloated and crappy - so I don't do it often - like once every 3-4 months and am like "ok, that's why I don't drink anything carbonated". I don't really "miss" soda so it's pretty easy for me. I have a friend through support group who was a HUGE soda drinker before surgery - at least a 6-pack of diet a day (minimally). After surgery - she stayed away for fear of messing up her pouch. She went to a party that had punch - she didn't know it had any carbonated anything in it - she drank and was VERY ill from it. Her lesson learned - she hasn't touched any carbonation and asked always before she drinks now. She mourned soda for a while, but is "over it" and is fine. I have another friend through support group - an even bigger soda drinker before surgery. Had diet soda for breakfast instead of coffee, had several regular sodas throughout the day and back to diet in the evening/night. She was paranoid about losing soda - even had nightmares about it. I know, crazy....right? She had surgery and as soon as she transitioned to the final food stage, she was back to drinking soda. It doesn't bother her. It doesn't make her sick. It doesn't bloat her or make her gassy in anyway. So she drinks it. She lost a lot of weight in the beginning, but yes...her weight loss slowed once she started drinking soda again. She is now at a point where she doesn't lose anymore weight - she's close to 3 years post surgery. In the past 6 months or so - she has put 10lbs back on. Did the soda do it? Who knows, but we can all guess and come to that conclusion. The bottom line is - I think you should just get it in your head that it will make you sick - remind yourself that you will physically get sick if you drink anything carbonated - your own personal motto - just never try it. If you do and it doesn't make you sick - you will be back to the same ol habits. If you do and it does make you sick - GREAT - then the reminder is there and you don't have to worry because it WILL make you sick. It's a gamble to try it. I would suggest, again...NOT trying it and force yourself to believe it will make you sick. Good luck. I hope everything works out for you. ; - )
   — jammerz

October 18, 2008
well I was a big pepsi drinker and when I found out that I was going to have surgery, I weened myslef off of it, form 4 or 5 cans a day, I cut down to 2 a day then a couple weeks later 1 a day, and then a week later, to a few sips out of a can or bottle a day, and then I quit, it is hard to quit cold turkey all at once, I quit a year ago August, had my surgery in Feb this year, and I still haven't had a drink of soda, any kind, I just don't want it, it is extra calories, and caffeine and carbonation which isn't good for the pouch it dehydrates you,. hope this helps you in making your decision.
   — Lisa Koch

October 18, 2008
Hi Beth! I have not had the surgery yet. When I found out about soda I was so bummed. If they said one Pepsi a month I would feel so much better about it. I think I could do that. But never, ever have another Pepsi for the rest of my life??? I started trying for the surgery since July. The first thing I did was to try and stop soda. Now I haven't had any for about 6 weeks(yes, it took me a long while to give it up;). I do feel so much better. If I buy a root beer or sprite for my kids I am so tempted to have a sip, but I remember that I wouldn't be able to do that after so I need to stop now. Also, that is how I got to where I am now, thinking just one little sip there, or one little nibble here, it will be okay. Then it ended up turning into something so uncontrollable. I swear Pepsi is a drug. Or at least has something addicting in it. Because it is always calling my name! One last thing, I was thinking long and hard about this, I told myself what do I want more, The Pepsi and Junk food, or the nice skinny clothes&a healthier life. Sometimes it's a toss up;) but usually, I just look forward to being able to walk into any store and buy what I want, or if I end up staying the night last minute, I can borrow some clothes no problem. And to be able to run and play with my kids. That's how I make my decisions. It is still a trial, but not so bad anymore. I also make sure I have a bottle of water with me constantly that helps me. I made it my treat in a way. You can also count on me having that ONE LAST PEPSI, right before surgery!!! I might even take a picture of it. To remember it always....
   — ready4me_now

October 18, 2008
Hello, Only 12 days post op. Thought I would go crazy without my 1 to diet cokes a day. Have had cravings so I found something else. During the day I drink crystal lite and diet snapples(without caffienne) seems to be working. At night I have hot decaf teas. Maybe you have tried this but with a mind set of "I can do this" you will overcome. Try different drinks, til you find one that works for you. Good luck. KB
   — Kim Braman

October 18, 2008
My NUT told us after 3 months we could have flat soda. So if I really want one, I have one, diet of course.
   — doreenh

October 18, 2008
Just wanted to let you know I drink Mountain Dew Regular and I am over 3 yrs post op and have not gained my weight back. I know we are not suppose to do it, but I do. I think you have to do it in moderation. I also use alot of ice and let it melt in my soda. Also, they measured my pouch just last May during a Endoscopy and it was not all that big. I hate coffee and do not drink tea. I never have drank these but have always been a big soda drinker. I also think you can eat anything, but in MODERATION. That is the key. I had my surgery July 18th 2005 and have lost 130 pounds. So, there you have it. Hope this helps?
   — trishhooper

October 18, 2008
Whether you can tolerate soda after your surgery is something you will have to find out. I to was addicted to Pepsi and tried one about 2 weeks after surgery. Just a small drink. It hurt so bad! I am 2 1/2 years out and didn't have a soda all that time. Last week I was very frustrated and got a coke to "make me feel better". It still hurts my stomach. So I don't even want it or miss it. You will find that if you dump or have pain when you try something, it is a great incentive to NEVER try it again. You won't even want to. There will be so many other things you find you like in place of the soda. Good luck on your journey! Kim
   — kcox1960

October 19, 2008
I have with SF soda with a large glass of crushed ice occassionally...Then I sip it while at family gatherings, or watching TV...I love diet grapefruit with a splash of mango and fresh crushed mint leaves...and OCCASSIONALLY I turn that into a double no-no and add a half shot of rum for a SF Mojito! No I have not gained back weight or stretched my pouch taking sips of SF soda once in a while...Or taking sips of hubby's full sugar soda by accident...Tastes too sweet to me...Don't do full sugar soda! It's a LOT of useless calories, that are bad for your skin and the carb monster loves loves loves, sugar and stinky little gas puffs! ....especially if this is something you might do daily or even weekly...Sugars that are not burned as fuel (which is a good thing) will store as drinking a soda on a hot lazy summer day is a bad idea! I limit sugar more than anything else and don't start a bad habit if you haven't...Most PO's will tell you that after several years their weight gains are from sugar and sugar alone. I know when i had a weight gain of 10 lbs it was from an addiction to candy that I started at moms on Christmas! It took me 4 months to lose that weight! I did lose it though and it was frustrating! I wouldn't go thru that again for sugar! No way!
   — .Anita R.

October 19, 2008
Hello, I am getting the lapband on the 23rd of this month. My nutritionist told me I can have diet soda's as long as I let them go flat. Hope this helps. God Bless, Penny
   — pennyandcj

October 19, 2008
I am 8 months post-op RNY and I have drank soda. I haven;t had alot but I have never been a big soda drinker anyway. I have noticed that diet cherry 7-up doesn't bother me too bad. I have also drank diet pepsi a couple of times and I have noticed that I have to make myself burp alot or it feels uncomfortable in my pouch. I can feel my pouch blow up with air. I have a friend who has also had the surgery and she drinks diet soda quite a bit. She said that she sometimes is bothered by the bubbles not a whole lot. Good luck to you. Oh, I also noticed that frozen cokes and pepsis also quench my thirst for soda even though they are not diet.
   — Sillyguts

October 19, 2008
Hi, Beth. I hope you don't get too many shame on you's. We all carry our own demons. Mine was Coke (or really any soda; I never met one I didn't like). I really, really feared giving it up (even though I knew it was responsible for most of my weight gain over the years). I mean really. However, I had my last one two days before surgery (would have been the day before but I had to be on clear liquids, lol). I was SO surprised that I was able to get over that addiction. Initially, for several weeks or months, the desire wasn't even there. Then, I thought I would try a diet one, which I have never taken a liking to before. While it tasted OK, I never could get beyond a few sips. There was no real physical pain, but just an uncomfortableness. I tried a diet soda on several other occasions, but they just don't seem "to work" for me as a drink. I have to get a certain amount of liquid in daily and know that I can never do it with soda. It just takes too long to drink very little and feels uncomfortable to me. I'm about 10 months out. BTW, I think the idea that soda will stretch your pouch has been discounted in the research literature. Really, what I should have said at the beginning was that soda is probably just not worth it at all and I really haven't missed it. That is a near miracle.
   — jujuprof

October 19, 2008
I was a big Coke drinker prior to RNY, but now I don't even like the taste! I have tried diet soda but can only take a few sips before it makes my tummy feel yukky so it hasn't been a big challenge to give it up! LOL! Good Luck!
   — MAG

October 19, 2008
Hi, thanks for writing. I am almost 5 years post op. 9 months to a year prior to my surgery I stopped all carbonated beverages. I did this to prove to myself that I really wanted the surgery. I was a diet coke drinker with fresh lemon EVERY DAY! I did give it up and had surgery and stayed soda free for about 2.5 years. I did begin drinking soda, and prefer fountain to can because it is USUALLY less carbonation. Then I found frozen pepsi, and that is what I have now when I want a soda. It is my treat. No it is not diet, but as long as I maintain my weight loss goal (I go by size not weight) then I will continue with my favorite treat. If I begin to gain, it goes. The thing is, you have to control your drinking beverages and your eating. It is not something that should ever control you. I STRONGLY encourage everyone to not drink carbonated beverages at all for at least 2 years post op, it protects your pouch and you will lose much better overall, but after 2 to 3 years, your pouch is pretty much the size it is going to be naturally, and in discreet moderation it should be alright. Most people though want it all and they want it now. Learning to say no to yourself is important to weight loss. I don't know where you are in your journey, but I do encourage you to sacrifice while you lose and go through the honeymoon phase (up to 2 years), and then see what things you need to bring back in moderation and smaller amounts. I never had surgery intending to give up anything forever (I did think I would give up soda forever, but that was all), I just wanted to eat in moderation and feel full for once in my life. I don't ever want to lose that gift now that I have it. I have kept my weight off and am so glad I have my surgery, but even at 5 years post op, I am challenged every day with my eating. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

October 20, 2008
I am 4 months post op and still drink soda. I have not had any problems so far.
   — smith209766

October 22, 2008
I have a soda now and then. When I do, I usually have one of those mini soda cans and I take it with alot of ice and it will usually take all day to drink it. It's not very healthy but I've found that if I want something and I say no, I just want it more. So occasionally I can have a soda. I am 6 months out of my gastric bypass surgery and have lost 128 lbs. I am about 10 lbs from my goal weight. Just grab the water first and if you really still want that soda, get it but just be careful. No way can you gulp them the way you did before.
   — Lolli_P0P

October 25, 2008
I know several who drink sugar free sodas occasionally, but if you have the DS, you can drink carbonated drinks. I had RnY myself and drink a diet pepsi occasionally, sugar free, of course, but I hope to get revised to the DS as my RnY had some problems with it.
   — KRWaters

October 27, 2008

   — rina_mo

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