I am 4 days out and already feeling my stomach growl. I am still on just protein.

I have 3oz. breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. But I do feel a bit hungry in between. Is this normal, does it go away after you start have soft foods? Thanks for the input.    — twinsplusone (posted on September 30, 2008)

September 30, 2008
It does get better. I was on protien and pureed soups for 3 weeks. After I started feeling better from the surgery I started feeling hungry. You will too because liquids cannot keep your new tummy filled up. You are allowed all the liquids you can drink so drink away. OH I was shocked but the pureed soup is not bad at all. I had all different kinds so there were lots of dfferent tastes. It helped. Hang in it does get better!!! Good luck.
   — vegastina

September 30, 2008
you can have snacks in between. I eat every 3 hours or so. try drinking water first see if the hunger goes away you may just be thristy. If it doesnt then have a snack
   — Kimberlin Katayama

September 30, 2008
I am 12 days post op and am still on full lilquids. I eat/drink when ever I want as much as I feel comfortable with. I think sticking with meals at this point is impossible so eat up your full liquids when ever you feel hungry! Gina
   — Gina F.

September 30, 2008
I had to have 5 to 6 small portions a day or I wouldn't have been able to get through the day. Also, your stomach is healing, so your stomach will be making all sorts of sounds.
   — Teresa V.

September 30, 2008
I am 4 weeks out. I was supposed to have 8 oz protein 3 times a day. Then I was to drink 64oz of calorie free sugar free liquids on top of that in a day. If you drink that much fluids you should stop feeling hungry.
   — phyllismmay

September 30, 2008
It is your big stomach growling, not your pouch. Some people are hungry, some people are completely turned off by the thought of food. Are you taking in as much as you are supposed to per your surgeon/nutritionist? Sometimes, for hunger, they will recommend eating a little bit 4-6 times per day. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Dawn
   — DawnVic

September 30, 2008
I just had my gastric bypass 5 weeks ago. I felt just starved at first for two weeks on liquids, but as soon as they put me on some solids, it all went away. It was difficult on the liquids, but it is doable. Hang in there
   — katiecakes

September 30, 2008
Check with your nutritionist, but on my plan I eat every 3 hours. NOT a meal every 3 hours, but we call everything snacks. We have 3 large snacks and up to 3 small snacks a day. Try something in between your meals something simple like a popsicle, or something like that. BUT please get Nutritionists permission. Good Luck
   — imaswtgrl

October 1, 2008
Well, Ericka you finally made it! hope everything went well! First thing, your stomach and everything around it, will make noise, make sure that you are geting in your protein in, and all of your liquids. Second make sure that you are following the diet plan they gave you. Every one is diffeent after the surgery, i was on soft/pureed foods when I came home from the hospital. i coud hardly eat 3oz at a setting, i know that my hardest thing was and still is getting in the liquids every day. That may be what you need to do! When in doubt call the dietician, that's what I do! Hope this helps. Keep in touch! Lisa Stock Good Luck! It's a long road, but you will get there!
   — lisa3959

October 1, 2008
I spoke with my patient advocate about this same issue. She asked me is it my stomach that is hungry...or my head? Now I stop and think about it for a moment. I'm 25 days out from WLS. Good luck!
   — christi59

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