Do spider veins in your face go away after wls?

I have broken spider veins on the cheeks of my face due to pre diabetes and weight. Has weight loss surgery lessened these for anybody?    — pammiecats2 (posted on September 10, 2008)

September 10, 2008
My sister and I both have them. They seem to be here to stay. My sister is not pre diabetic or even much over weight. I think some people are just going to have them.
   — Gena L.

September 10, 2008
The bad news is there is only one way to remove them and it's painful and expensive. Using a laser, they target the exact spot of the vein and zap it. Call your local dermatologist and they can fill you in. I've had it done and it takes several treatments. And it costs over 150 per treatment.
   — 2008Amy2008

September 13, 2008
Both of these posters who have responded are exactly correct. Concealing make up or the laser treatment are your only options, and I don't know of any insurance company that will help you on the laser treatment. Sometimes there are just no easy answers. Vitamen A and D cream is good for the skin, but won't really help here. Porcelana helps reduce birth marks over time, but I don't know if it'd help here.
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

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