Anyone use Vemma viamins and minerals?

Are any of the vitamins and minerals approved by FDA? How do we not which brand is right for us?    — Toby2 (posted on August 3, 2008)

August 3, 2008
If you had RNY WLS you need a Bariatric formulated brand like Building Blockss Otherwise there is not the full amount of what you need or maybe it has some time release and you will not get the full benifet of the supliment. I found that my blood test came back much better after I switched to Bariatric formulated supliments.
   — William (Bill) wmil

August 3, 2008
Vemma is the most powerful " liquid" vitamin/mineral on the mkt. It will help get blood work in line. Total absorbtion, not the 15% of tablets. Go to FDA does not approve anything, only regulates the safe manufacture.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 3, 2008
Bronson is an old name in vitamins. They take themselves seriously and are no fly by night company. They area the company Linus Pauling used to use. As to FDA approval, in theory all supplements are supposed to have FDA approval. In reality, the underfunded FDA lets the industry regulate itself.
   — GaryLGreen

August 3, 2008
the FDA does not approve any vitamin or mineral on the market -- so anyone can make any type of vitamin and sell it -- good luck
   — RCassety

August 4, 2008
No, unfortunately not regulated by the FDA at this time! I use Market America products. I am pre-op but have used B complex, multi-mineral, multi-vitamin, calcium, Vit C and OPC-3 for years. I became a distributor because I liked the quailty of the products and wanted to help others get healthier. I believe in the products and they are science based. You can contact me for more info. I am not trying to sell you, I just have faith in the product am giving you another avenue to search down. Kerri Jenkins :-}
   — jenks621

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