
IS THERE ANY OTHER WAYS TO DO OTHER ONES    — pjcraft1956 (posted on June 30, 2008)

June 30, 2008
I am having knee problems and have chronic pain is shoulders and feet. I have been able to work through it until this last week. I believe any movement that you do contiguoisly (sp) is great I move my arms you can use water bottles for weights. I lay in bed and do what I can. I sit up and do what I can. Just move. Pool is also great exercise and is the best. I know it is hard just move as much as you can until the weight starts to come off it will get easier. I have my RYN the 16th of July as of now I am just moving the best I can. I will keep you in my prayers Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

June 30, 2008
I don't know whether your difficulties with exercising stem from a disability, weight problems, or other, so it is hard to know what advice to give. I Andit did get easier.can tell you, though, that for someone who hadn't exercised in who knows how long, I must seem like an exercising fool now (but not to anyone who really exercises!). Even the initial loss or weight (the first pounds off) made it easier for me. And it has gotten progressively easier. I would not have thought that I could do more than a mile on an elliptical or 3 miles on a stationary bike or lifted weights or learned some of those machines at the gym. BUt I did, so I believe anyone can, too. Even if you have disabilities that preclude certain types of exercise, there are exercises for everyone. Good luck! dana
   — jujuprof

June 30, 2008
I had RNY because i needed to have both shoulders, rt knee and right hip replaced. ( surgery was march 2004-still no surgery has been performed- not because of weight, but fight with workers comp attys ) Consequently, since i was mostly in a wheelchair when I left the house, and with the 4 inches difference in leg length, and being 6'1", exercise was so terribly difficult for me. I don't want to make anyone reading this who has exercised their little hineys off to be upset over my answer ( AM so jealous of everyone who can walk those 10k steps a day or go to the gym) but I dropped 230 lbs doing the most exercise i could do. That was walk 2 tmes a day for 25 yards on my outside deck. When I had dropped maybe 100 lbs, and started driving my car again ( my walking didnt have anything to do with my weight nor driving either) I would go to the grocery store, use a shopping cart cause its easier to push it than to walk without it, I would walk around the store for 30 minutes. No- I didnt always shop LOL, in the summer, its air conditioned, in the cooler months, I would walk the perimeter of the store parking lot, which is huge. I just made sure I walked the 30 minutes, no matter how fast or slow. Thank heavens for an understanding Stater Bro's staff. I had to increase caloric intake when I walked, because I was burning fat. Many complain of exercising, but not increasing their calories, works better- talk with your Nut and surgeon about it. Hang in there, you will find what works best for you. I stopped feeling terrible that I couldnt exercise my hiney off, when I did that, everything fell into place nicely. Have kept off the 230 lbs becauise I still am only allowed half cup food 3 tmes a day, havent cheated once which really amazes me, but if not taking my vitamins is cheating, then guess I am guilty- i forget them sometimes. i STILL weigh and measure my food even though I can tell what half a cup is, was hard at first to go from my regular post op diet, up until 6 months post op when our surgeon changed things, and itwas half cup total food, not half cup of this or meat or half cup of salad with the veges etc. I have to put meat, veges etc together in that half cup, also not being allowed any more than 3 grams of sugar per portion, and never going over that, I still dont know what sugar will do to me. You will find your own way, while following your surgeons rules. Take care and Go bless. Cindi -230# and holding 3.24.04 :)
   — DollyDoodles

June 30, 2008
It depends on you limited abilities. if it's just because you're still heavy and difficult to get around, then there are chair exercise routines. You sit in a straight back chair and follow instructions on a DVD by a trainer. I've actually tried these in my nutrition classes prior to RNY, and you can actually work up a sweat with good exercises. You can either rent or buy these chair exercise routine DVD's online or at local nutrional health stores. Any form of exercise, done on regular basis is far better than no exercise. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

June 30, 2008
You just have to find a wy to move your body...Movement equals exercise...Anything is better than nothing. If you feel a "burn" in your muscles, you are exercising. Take a couple of cans of soup or bottles of water and just start lifting them...Take the long way whereever you are going...If you sit often...Stand up and stretch several time a day...or just lift your legs from a sitting position....A step at a time...and you will get there...Water is the easiest on your back, knees and joints, but is a great workout if you can find a pool or natural water hole...(Just bring something that floats incase you get tired or muscle cramps) I always have an inner tube or "boogey board" because I am prone to leg cramps... Good luck
   — .Anita R.

July 1, 2008
I would suggest that you ask your doctor for a physical therapy or exercise therapy consult. They can give you specific exercises to do based on your current mobility and then as that improves the exercise can change until you are comfortable doing regular exercise. I agree with the other comment about getting into a pool. It is great exercise and will help build your confidence. The rec center I belong to actually has classes in the pool for people with limited mobility. So check out your local rec center or pool.
   — brindledanes

July 3, 2008
I have had very little exercise since I've had my RNy and am losing about 8-10 pounds per month steadily, even without exercise. You will definitely lose weight after RNY, even without exercise.
   — Gina S.

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