Gaining weight after 6 years

I am terrified that my stomach is stretched. My need for more food is increasing and of course with that comes weight gain. I have tried to cut back and do Weight Watchers in hopes of getting back some control but when I do I get low blood sugar and get shaky and tired. Does anyone have a problem with this. There are even occasions when I still throw up but that seems to be because I eat to fast or eat something that doesn't agree with me. I also find it difficult to eat without drinking at the same time. I crave liquids but find I take in more caffeine than water. The strange thing is when I drink a lot of water then I get muslce cramps in my legs that are almost unbearable. I feel like my stomach is falling apart and am so afraid of going back to where I came from.    — scrappenmom (posted on May 25, 2008)

May 25, 2008
Hi Darlene, I know what you mean by all of this for I am having the same problem..when you said if you eat too much or wrong thing you throw up well that just shows that your pouch is still working,,,go back to the basics 5 day liquid, the go to pureed food then soft food. Work your way back up. In other words baby steps. Trust me I am having to do the same things right now and today is my first day at it so best of luck to you and if you wanna keep in touch to let me know how it is going then email me any time you wish OK?? [email protected] Take care hun and GOD BLESS ~Jen <><
   — J. Lambert

May 25, 2008
I think i just deleted my message so here it goes again. I am having much of the same issues and I am 3 yrs out. I was thinking of going to a local surgeon about a revision but would rather try to go back to basics but would really appreciate some support. My email is [email protected]. Let me know how its working for you.
   — neicey

May 25, 2008
   — deb44m

May 25, 2008
I understand exactly what you are going through. I am so afraid I am growing dependent upon food again! It was once my best friend and seems to be slowly creeping back into that place for me. I pray that this slows down. I hope it's just a phase! So far, this phase has cost me 40 pounds of gain. I am beginning the 5 day pouch test tomorrow. I just can't go back to where I was. Email me at [email protected] if any of you want to share more on this subject. I'll repost later to let yall know how the 5 day test went. Good luck everybody! I am 5 1/2 years post op after losing 113 pounds.
   — Vicki Chambless

May 26, 2008
I am only 14 months out (132 lbs lost) and I too am finding that I consume more caffeine that I do water. I find that if I mix my water with Lipton Mango Green Tea mix and place it in the freezer until it gets kinda slushy I can get my water down more easily. I never want to go back to where I started, and would enjoy the support this group offers. Email [email protected] if you just need to chat sometimes.
   — Txgal8437

May 26, 2008
I have found that I have needed to eliminate caffeine as it dehydrates the muscles. Sticking to a low carb food plan has also helped me curb the cravings as I am now taking in more protein and it stays with me longer, and I am again losing weight (15 lbs. since Apr. 3, 08). I have upped my calcium and magnesium and zinc, hoping that this will help my muscle cramps. With a top weight of 310 & a bottom weight of 133, when I crept up to 200 recently, it really alarmed me. Hoping that I stay on track now and eliminate the sugar and carbs that were doing me no good.
   — MrsMichelle

May 29, 2008
I so understand.....this is a lifesaver..... Good luck.
   — nwheat

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