does everyones hair "fall out" after gastric bypass??
Im 2 1/2 mnths out and naturally my hair is not so thick, so im just wondering(i have alot of hair, but its NoT course)how many ppl went through this, and (if)any who didnt.... — littleguzla (posted on March 13, 2008)
March 13, 2008
No, not everyone's hair falls out. My hair was thick before the surgery
and it's thinned out since then, (almost a year ago), however, biotin has
really decreased it falling out and has put my re-growth into overdrive.
Biotin does not help everyone though. I was one that always got at least
70 grams of protein in, always took my vitamins and drank my water etc. So
I was just destined to be one of those that did lose some hair. Just
remember it DOES grow back, and some get wigs until it does so. There are
many ways to try to help...start taking biotin now to start re-growth just
in case. There are some that have other ideas. Good luck, God bless and
welcome to the losing side!
— crystalsno
March 13, 2008
You do not know for sure whether your hair will will begin to fall out or
not. That will vary, just as all responses to RNY will vary somewhat. To
guard against hair loss, my surgeon recommends dialy Biotin supplements and
Nioxin shampoo. Biotin is not in most daily supplements, so you'll have to
purchase that in addition to daily vitamins and calcium citrate. I take a
liquid vitamin that has 100% RDA of Biotin, and would be fine for long
range usage, but in the few months post op, those that are troubled by
potential hair loss should take Biotin supplements. The liquid I take is
mentioned on my profile page. Good luck.
— Dave Chambers
March 13, 2008
I lost a ton of hair. Luckily I had thick hair. Most of it has come back
and now it is down to my waist. I do notice now that if I am not eating
enough protien more hair falls out.
— Carlyn M.
March 13, 2008
I never have had any hair loss, opther than what I had before surgery. I
think a lot has to do with the protein you take and if you have enought in
your system daily. I do know one lady in our support group that was
faithful with her protein, but had thinning of very thick hair. She still
looks great, but it did upset her to have it comming out by the handful for
a period of time. No one else has reported any loss out of a group of
about 40-50 people.
— William (Bill) wmil
March 13, 2008
you hair will fall out after surgery for a while but if you take your
vitamins it is better later on.
— tl_morgan
March 13, 2008
16 months post op -- never lost any hair at all --i keep up with my
protein, vitamins and fluids -- no complications or complaints at all --
text book surgery -- and i dye my hair all the time and none falls out --
good luck to you :)
— RCassety
March 13, 2008
My understanding is yes everyones hair falls out. It has something to do
with the changes in your body. Nothing to do with protein or vitamins or
anything. I faithfully went for blood work and all my levels were fine and
my hair came out. Not completely but it did thin a great deal. I had to
actually cut my hair short because it thinned so much. It is fine now
— Joanc
March 13, 2008
Hi April. Hair is beautiful, I know, but here is the thing, it is just
hair. Yes I lost a lot of hair, and even at 4 years out I shed, but I
never went bald, and it always grows back. It is just hair. I cut mine
short after surgery because I knew the risk. Long hair sheds more that
short, so that helped. It is long again now, but it still sheds. I am
grateful for my weight loss and if it costs me a new hairstyle, so be it.
We make choices, and when we have surgery, sometimes the cost is some hair.
Don't fret, get a new style, and be thankful for what you have. Take
care. Patricia P.
— Patricia P
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