
I have recieved my date for surgery 2/14/08 and am still undecided as to whether to have RNY or Lap-Band from researching and talking to people they say the results are the same but I really need help. I am 303 lbs and want to get down to atleast 165 lbs. Please help me.    — DPURNELL (posted on December 27, 2007)

December 27, 2007
Have you researched the DS surgery? That is one option where the chance of regain is less. Go to the DS forum. They have lots of answers over there
   — Paula Chapman

December 27, 2007
Lapband has maintanace.....fills, RNY or DS is a done deal, so your choice.
   — Pam S.

December 27, 2007
My insurance company will only do the RNY, as they say the lap band has a higher failure rate. That is also what I've learned from attending support group meetings. Maybe you should also try to attend a RNY and a lap band support group in your area. They are normally held once or twice per month.
   — Dave Chambers

December 27, 2007
I cant tell you which one to pick - I had the DS (Duodenal Switch) and have had great success. Whichever surgical option you decide on I wish you good luck!!!
   — SameButDifferent

December 27, 2007
I had the RNY 4 years ago and have been thrilled with the results.
   — Carlyn M.

December 27, 2007
Thank you to everyone that has respoonded to my question. I have another question how many people had to have plastic surgery after having any of the procedures, or what can be done to avoid so much extra loose skin?

December 27, 2007
The results are not the same. The lap-band doesn't lose as much and not as quickly. The benefits are, that it is reversible and you can still get away with liquid calories. I had RNY 08/28/2006 and am down 177lbs. My husband had lap-band 05/07 and is down about 60 but he cheats all the time and has to go in to get fills and check continuously. He has now said he wishes he had done the RNY. What ever you decide, Good Luck and Happy Weight Loss!
   — Lost4Ever

December 27, 2007
I went into this decision thinking I was going to do the lap, but after attending my 6 mo supervised weightloss class and talking to teh dieticians about what my goals were and my former eating habits I decided to go with RYN for the simple fact that with the band you aren't restricted from WHAT you eat just how much. I know myself and know I would still want to graze on chips, cookies, candy, all that crap I am wanting to get away from. I am almost 4 mo out and down 56 lbs. I have seen people do great with both, so really its what you think is going to be best for you. Good luck!!
   — juliebelle0402

December 27, 2007
1. Lap vs. RNY - there is a difference. You might want to do some more research on the topics. Lap Band is restrictive only. RNY is restrictive and malaborbtive (is that a word?) With Lap Band you can still eat whatever you want with little consequence - only smaller portions. With RNY you cannot (for the most part) or you will get sick. With Lap Band, you do not lose as fast as if you had RNY - those are the facts. 2. I cannot tell you what to do - but if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, I would go with the RNY - best thing I ever did, hands down. Also, you need to check with your insurance. Some won't cover some things, etc. So check and see - make sure. 3. I have lost 131 lbs in just over 10 months. I am opting for no plastic surgery unless my breasts start to bother me more, and then I might have a reduction. The size 34D's on a size 8 frame are getting pretty heavy and are causing some issues with headaches and things. Good luck honey!! Whatever you decide.
   — jammerz

December 27, 2007
hello, congratulations on your surgery. i had chosen rny because it is supposed to have better results. i weighed 330 and got down to 158. i now weigh 170, and it's been 6 1/2 years. email me [email protected] good luck! pam
   — Pam Fottrell

December 27, 2007
Have you gone to the different forums here on OH? There is the RnY forum, your state forum, lapband forum, and the DS forum. I had RnY in 2005 and it failed me. Now I am seeking a DS, which has better weight loss results, eating more normally, can take NSAIDS. Any ways, check out all the forums and read posts and responses and make your own decision. Karen
   — KRWaters

December 27, 2007
Regarding surgery choice, you've received some fair and balanced commentary already, but I would hasten to add that you should not dismiss the DS--- new surgical techniques, and improved maintenance programs, make this the ideal surgery for many people who might have some obsessive-compulsive issues with food and eating (and I offer this as a fairly successful long-term RNY-er). Regarding plastic surgery, the issue is more the length of time you were obese, how old you are and how much you lose, as opposed to whether you lose your weight quickly or slowly. Do not subscribe to the myth that slower weight loss will obviate the "need" for plastics-- stretched skin is stretched skin and no exercise will tighten it. Of course, building muscle tone might minimize the jiggle from lose skin (and has lots of other health benefits), but won't necessarily eliminate sagging skin.
   — SteveColarossi

December 27, 2007
I believe that RNY is the way to go. No fills etc. My sister had the lap band and has lost weight, but she would do the RNY if a chance to do again. She has lost approximately 70 lbs since Feb'07 and 4-5 fills and I have lost over 90 lbs since 5'07 and no fills , no complications , but men tend to lose faster than women. Go figure!
   — blossman

December 27, 2007

   — rina_mo

December 28, 2007
Hi Danielle, thanks for writing. You have to make the decision for yourself based on your research and your knowledge of yourself. I took the RNY over the band because I know myself. I feel I needed the benefit of the "malabsorption" instead of just having a smaller stomach. I was right in my decision. I prayed about it and my husband and I decided that this was the right course of action for me. I was right because even with the RNY I only lost about 2-3 pounds per week, many times only 1 pound per week with the RNY. It would have been less with the band because I would not have had the malabsorptive quality to the surgery and I know myself, I would have cheated myself into more calories. I love the benefits I have from RNY, but it is a VERY PERSONAL DECISION. You know yourself best, if you can discipline yourself without the severing of the stomach, you may want the band, if you have trouble in that area, or have a huge appitite, many times the RNY will help those areas. At almost 4 years post surgery I eat most anything I want in very small quantities, and I love my surgery results, and am glad for what I decided. Many women choose the band and are disappointed with the results, but also many have success. You have to decide. Don't just take our word here, be sure to read a few books on the subject and research on line with professionals. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

December 30, 2007
The key I used was being a volume eater. Therefore the lap-band was adequate. If you are a sweet eater, the dumping most get with the by-pass is helpful. Lap-band is slower, but also is there for life if you use it right. In the end you need to reseach what will work best for you. Donna, Indiana
   — Donna O.

December 31, 2007
I would recommend the RNY. Lap band is OK but you do not loose as much weight with it as with the RNY.
   — vippie

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