I am alittle over 3 months post-op. Stomach pain.

It seems I could eat more 6 weeks ago.Also I ride a school bus as an attendant and I have had to get off the bus quickly or call in sick because of cramping, and then the runs. I have found out I am lactose intolerant so I have illiminated dairy (pills don't help). Any ideas, I don't eat greasy things?    — gammiepat (posted on November 8, 2007)

November 8, 2007
How much sugar and fat are you consuming? What type of surgery did you have? Are you looking at the labels of the foods you are eating? I was really suprised by the amount of sugar in tomato soup until I saw it on the back of the can. Sounds like you are experiencing dumping syndrome to me!
   — tjmoore8570

November 8, 2007
Try lactaid milk. Stay away from creamed soups, ice cream, etc. Sugar gives me the same reaction you are talking about.
   — Carlyn M.

November 8, 2007
I had Surgery on sept 18,2007. I had same problem. It was the milk. So Dr had me change to soymilk and no more cramping. He said that it happens alot when you have surgery that you become lactose intolerant. soymilk does not taste bad. It comes in plain or vanilla and chocolate.Hope this helps.
   — nanacindy

November 8, 2007
You don't say what kind of surgery you had (I looked, and neither does your profile) but I'm sure yoou know it could be dumping syndrome if you had the RNY. But I'm preop and just diagnosed as lactose intolerant by my nutritionist, and those are the same symptoms I have. You say the Lactaid pills don't help - are you taking them just before consuming ANY dairy product? You have to be really careful - I was surprised how many things have dairy powder, etc. in them, and didn't check the label until after I had eaten. Now I make sure I also check for that as part of reading labels carefully as part of the preop weight loss program. Also - how many pills do you take? One didn't work for me, but 2 do as long as I take them JUST before eating a dairy product as they instruct. I keep the tablets at home, and keep the chewable ones in my purse. Hope that helps?
   — obeseforever

November 8, 2007
Sorry - forgot to add - per my nutritionist's instructions I've also switched to Lactaid milk and cottage cheese.
   — obeseforever

November 8, 2007
I had this exact same problem and it is normal. It is usually only temporary; mine was. But it was the lactose - had to switch to Lactaid milk and take pills if I had even a bite of cheese or s/t else. Sucked too b/c dairy is where I got most of my protein (shakes, yogurt, etc.). I would advise a visit to a gastrointerologist. He can prescribe medicine that will calm your bowels and get you back to normal. Mine was a lot of help. I know how embarassing it is to have to get to the bathroom very quickly! See a doc, though, and make sure it's just the lactose being the problem. Good luck to you!!!! ~Sarah in VA (19 mos. post-op, RNY)
   — platypus

November 9, 2007
It is not uncommon to become Lactose Intolerant after Gastric ByPass. I am guessing that is what you had. Stay away from the Dairy Poducts for a while and see what happens. Also, the reason for being able to eat less may be because you have everything irritated. Our Nutrition person has always said that if you go through a bad time with nausea & vomiting, go back to a liquid diet w/ protein drinks for a couple of days to give everything a chance to heal. Call your Doctor or Nutritionist and ask their opinion. This is just my opinion, I am not a medical person. Don't let this go on unattended. Get some help. -- Judy
   — jk_harris

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