Primary surgery in Mexico - want to get repair done in the USA
I recently posted a question about rapid weight gain. The surgen I saw though the rapid weight gain was water, good to know.The surgen also said I had a herniated pouch (part of my stomach slipped up thru the band into the pouch). I am waiting for insurance approval so we can repair or if needed replace the band. I had my surgery done in mexico, and I am having my repair done at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Anyone have any experience with insurance aproval dealing with repairs of lap bands done in mexico? I also wanted to thank everyone who replied to my initial question. Really made me feel good to know there are so many knowledgable people out there. THANKS AGAIN — marlo (posted on October 26, 2007)
October 26, 2007
in september after a dr here in the states scoped my stomach with out
taking out my fill like I had told them to and they ended up pulling my
stomach back through the band, almost inside out. they kicked me out of the
hospital here in the states. My surgeon in MEXICO tried to repair it and
pull everything back through, but for my health and safety, we decided that
if it had to be, we would have to take the band off, and that is what we
had to do. This can be a VERY SERIOUS problem if you wait at all. I only
waited 3 days and was lucky that was all. You can have irreparable damage
done to your stomach if the band erroded into your stomach. You need to
contact your surgeon immediately . Even if it is late, they have answering
services. My dr got me in the next morning after the hospital here in the
states kicked me out. He did the surgery for free, I just have to pay for
the hospital portion. But it is still cheaper than having reconstructive
surgery. and plus if you damage your stomach, you can forefeit your ability
to EVER BE A WLS candidate again, for any kind of weight loss surgery. If
you are not comfortable with the surgeon you chose in mexico, go
immediatley to a bariatric hospital and have the band removed or if they
can repair the slippage even better worry about the money issue later.
Fight with insurance later, your health is what matters. Sorry to be the
bearer of bad newes but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...DO NOT WAIT , don't walk
RUN to the nearest hospital and get this taken care of NOW...DON'T WAIT FOR
— mccabesmom
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