Have you ever eaten something and felt like it was lodged in your stomach?

   — Sherry0920 (posted on October 15, 2007)

October 15, 2007
I get that feeling when I eat steak or chicken breast. The meat is too dry and I don't chew enough. The last time it happened it was SO painful I was hoping I could throw it up. It was stuck for almost two hours. Make sure your meat is moist and chew, chew chew..........
   — Lori S.

October 15, 2007
Yep tuna fish and other fish give me that aweful feeling.
   — tazthewiz23

October 16, 2007
Oh, Sherry, I feel your pain -- literally. Althought I'm more than 7 years out now from my VBG, I remember the very first time I had a scrambled egg -- and cooked it in the microwave, which, of course, meant that every molecule of moisture in the thing evaporated. For five hours after that, thought I was/wished I was going to DIE. Taught me a very valuable lesson -- make sure whatever you're eating is moist enough, chew it thoroughly, and eat it slowly. I still don't eat scrambled eggs, by the way. Best of luck,
   — Cheryl Denomy

October 16, 2007
Yes, I just had surgery Oct 11th and I already feel this, even with liquids and Jello. Sometimes it feels like it gets stuck in my esophagus. The key is definitely chewing more (yes, believe it or not, I have to chew Jello LOL) but the end result will be well worth it. :o) Smile.
   — friend64

October 16, 2007
Oh my gosh, yes...this happened to me just last night. I was eating chicken chunks from a local restaurant, and even though they were moist, evidently I didn't chew well enough, because it got stuck and remained that way for about 40 minutes. I ended up walking, stretching...anything to make it go through. Finally I was able to eat later on. Horrible feeling, plus when you try to burp to relieve it, you get foam up from your stomach. Yuck!!! That was the worst feeling...hope I don't have to experience it again, LOL!
   — brendaw24

October 16, 2007
I'm 15months post op and have experienced this many's weird too because it doesn't always seem to be from the same cause/situation. One time it may be with meat and other times it may be rice...Eating s l o w l y is the key to avoidance of this feeling and chewing well too of course! Listen to your body! It tells us a lot and usually gives us warnings.....Good Luck, Trish
   — zoeysgrami

October 17, 2007
I'm almost 5 years out and have this happen on occasion. Here is a hint - get yourself some papaya enzyme (papain) available at health food stores and just about everywhere. It is very inexpensive. I get a type that is chewable and it has a faint pineapple flavor. This will break down the fibers of whatever is causing the problem, giving you relief faster than if you just wait it out.
   — koogy

October 18, 2007
There is a remedy, Take 1 tsp meat tenderizer in 3/4 cup warm water and sip it until the feeling goes away.
   — bderuiter

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