Sleeping...or lack of.....

4 1/2 weeks post-op ryn/lap I find I only sleep a couple hr at a time (2-4) Is this common? I do take my last iron vitamin before bed , will this be why?    — Nikkijo30 (posted on October 4, 2007)

October 4, 2007
I'm almost 4 yrs post op, so it's a bit difficult to remember stuff. BUT, i do recall having a funky sleep pattern for a while-i would sleep during the day and be up all hours of the night. i talked to my surgeon and he prescribed Ambien to get me through a couple of months and eventually i got back on track. Best of luck to you!
   — BirdiFox

October 4, 2007
I am 4 months post-op and i still have trouble with sleep. I sleep only a few hours a night.
   — Alvernlaw

October 4, 2007
I am 4 weeks post-op now. The first couple of weeks were bad for sleep. I would fall asleep and sleep hard for about 3-4 hours then I was wide awake and exhausted all day. I tried not to nap during the day and finally things came around. I am now sleeping better then I was before my surgery and without my CPAP thanks to the surgery.
   — muffin1837

October 5, 2007
Ask for Ambien, it is a great sleep drug. I only take a 5 mg dose and it knocks me out every night like clock work. I went to the sleep doctor before my surgery because I have mild sleep apena, which is common in most obese people. My sleep doctor said when you are over weight you are not getting in enough oxygen at night and that is what make you so tired through out your day. Best of luck. Get the Ambein right away, it helps. Don't take it until you get ready to lay down. I took it to early last week, and forgot to stick my dog in his crate, he didn't eat the house up, but he could have if he thought about it long enough. Blessings Sami Sue
   — Sami U.

October 5, 2007
Sami Sue, You are funny. I love the story about your dog! LOL. But, being a cat lover myself, I know that dogs don't "think.'' Thy can't. Now cats, on the other hand are loving yet sneaky and attention seekers and mine will tear up my nice living room carpet right in front of me if she thinks she is not getting enough attention. Anyway, back to the subject at hand. I, too, do not sleep nearly as well as I did pre op. I am up far too early (except that it gives me a good couple or three hours to catch up on my email!) and am exhausted during the day. I can't help falling asleep cause as soon as I sit down to watch my soaps, I crash. So much for keeping up with the antics of the Forresters and the Newmans and Abbots...I take another med and make sure I take it right when I am ready to sleep but it doesn't seem to help. I wake up and stay awake. I support the others who recommend you get a script for Ambien. I just may do the same. Good luck!
   — cherub13

October 5, 2007
I am 2yrs post op and I still ahve sleep issues, my doc gave me a presc. for Ambien but she also told me that I can just take over the counter Sleep-Aid which I do I get the off brand Walmart or even Kroger and It knocks me out. Without it I will watch TV or walk the floors all night. Talk to your doc about it. Hope all wrks out..
   — natika

October 6, 2007
taking vitamins before bed always keeps me awake. I vaguely recall being a new post op I just couldnt sleep, lots of excitement over my new life. try taking vitamins early in day to see if it helps
   — bob-haller

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