can someone tell me some signs of dehydration

I'm 3 mo post op rny and don't know if I am just sick or am starting to get dehydrated    — acalderilla (posted on September 24, 2007)

September 24, 2007
Hello, I found this on another board. I hope this helps. Signs of dehydration 1. dark urine with a strong smell 2. Tongue has white coating 3. decrease in saliva production 4. dizziness/lightheadedness *Try ice chips and teaspoons full of H2O. *Stay away from caffienated beverages, caffiene is a diuretic it will make you urinate more * suck on popsicles *Juice will only make you thirstier, water is best!!! When in doubt call your doctor Good Luck
   — bw1229

September 24, 2007
If you have to ask that question, call yr doctor, surgeon or nutritionist asap! Good luck and God bless!
   — crystalsno

September 25, 2007
the first post is correct about the signs, but also heart palpitations is a sign, low blood pressures, dizziness, dry skin and mucous membranes (eye lids will appear pale and dry, mouth will be dry), decrease urination as well as dark and concentrated urine. hope this helps... Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

September 25, 2007
My friend just had the gastric sleeve 6 weeks ago and complained to her doctor of severe tiredness and dry mouth. He said she was dehydrated. She was surprised because she thought she had been drinking enough, but evidently, not so. I also suggested to her to chew on ice chips.
   — JD1970

September 25, 2007
Hi my name is Lisa and I am 6 months out, I have had the same surgery that u have had. I have really not had any problems with my surgery I started out at 550 and I am down to 441 I feel great. I will try to see if I can help u I am taking centrum which is a very good vitamin it has everything that u need. I think u should talk to ure doc about this ..
   — LisaPellegrino2006

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