Low enough b12 for shots?

I just had some labs done at my student health center. My hemoglobin was 11 and my b12 was 245. At what level should we consider shots and extra iron supplements? Thanks everyone.    — lanetta2 (posted on July 3, 2006)

July 3, 2006
Hi your b12 isn't low going by our hospital system. it should above 180. I am a nurse. your hemoglobin is a little low but now super low. making sure your multivitamin contains iron should help.
   — ncooklpn

July 3, 2006
this should be a question you ask your doctor and or dietican. Everyone is different and since we are not medical people, this would not be a good idea to give you advice
   — Steve Cohen

July 3, 2006
The newest studies show B12 "low" at 800, brain damage can occur at 400. What is your iron and ferritin? You have to look at all of it. Your PCP might be the place to look at threse, but even so, some are not up to date on these or what bypasses do to our systems.
   — vitalady

July 3, 2006
Misty, 245 is low for B-12, especially for someone with gastric bypass. I keep my B-12 levels over 1000, I feel better and have done lots of research on those with B vitamin deficiencies.....very scary I don't want to go there. What is your B-1 and B-6 levels also. As for iron, I supplement there also, I have copies of all my labs and saw the iron trending downward, dealing with allot of exhaustion. Just had labs drawn and now it appears the iron is leveling out with supplements. What is your iron level and your ferritin levels (iron store)? Be sure to get copies of your labs yourself to see what is happening. Some docs will say all it ok, when in fact they are low. Dana
   — cajungirl

July 3, 2006
Thanks everyone!:) I don't have insurance anymore and won't for a month or so, so I went to my student health center and saw a nurse practiontioner. They haven't dealt with many wls patients so I have to explain to them how our new system works. I'll be going back on Wed and plan on asking for b12 shots. I've been so exhausted lately, even after getting 8 hours of sleep. Anyway, thanks again!
   — lanetta2

July 4, 2006
You shouldn't 'wait' until you are low to supplement. You should be taking B12 and Iron regularly. Just because your b12 is on the lower ends doesnt mean 'shots' either. Sublinqual can and does work just as well for most people. If your funds are limited - sublinqual pill form works great. You can get them at any health food store. In fact, I have insurance and the shots didnt do anything for me personally; I do much better and have better labs using the sublinqual daily.
   — star .

July 12, 2006
The actual test is only about $14. The B12 shots (no ins) can be had for about $7 for 30 shots at Costco. Syringes are about 4/$1 at drug stores. B12 shortage can cause permament brain and nerve damage and it is OH SO CHEAP to fix.
   — vitalady

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