Autoimmune issuses

Hi I currently seeing doctors fors for what "looks like lupus or something simular " according to my blood work I am on a ton of meds none of which are currently steroids . Has anyone else had RNY with the same situation . I currently meet the BMI critia but I concerned about the autoimmune stuff . Anyone know where I'm comming from...    — kc46 (posted on April 27, 2006)

April 27, 2006
Karen, I have a positive ANA and have been tested for several autoimmune diseases. I don't have Lupus, but I have Reynaud's and Non-Specific Connective Tissue Disorder. I am on Nsaids, steroids and narcotics for treatment and the only thing my doc has done was take me off the Nsaid and wants me to start weaning myself off of the steroids once I have a date, so that I am off of them at the date. He said I would receive a shot of steroids prior to surgery and after. So far I am all right, but I miss the Nsaid. I have to lose 15 pounds before they'll schedule the surgery and I am going to do it ASAP, 8 days and down 6 pounds so far. I want surgery the end of May - beginning of June. Hope this helps.
   — Laura Beam

April 27, 2006
I am a Nurse/counsellor and have counselled in the wls area for 16 years and I also have a post grad exstension in pharmacology. hence what I am going to tell you is based on my background in this. (drugs/ wls) Some of the drugs that you may or be directed to take make weight loss difficult, but you probably wont take any around the time of your surgery. (Just as the previous writer wrote) This will enhace your ability to lose the weight along with your new tool, your surgery. I use the word "tool" advizadly as the surgery is a tool not the cure. But oh what a tool, if you follow your surgeon's orders and do to the letter what he tells you, no matter how hard it may seem at the time you could be rewarded by a truly new you in about 24 months . Don't forget your supplements and follow-up attendances at your Doctor's when he requests so he can help you keep track of everything and keep well. You have such a truly wonderfull time ahead of you. I know there will be days when you will feel not so crash hot, but those days soon pass and you will emerge as a new and different person. The weight loss not only changes your outward image, but also the way that you think about yourself. Also the way that others react to you. I hope it is all as positive as I have found it. (Oh yes it was not all a piece of cake, but I would it all again in a heart beat) I would love to know how you are going, write to me or post up dates for us all God Bless you and give you peace.
   — Lise K.

April 27, 2006
Hi Karen I have been diagnosed with lupus for the last 6 years and am currently scheduled for wls on may 5,2006. I am on plaquinol,prednisone,methotrexate and prozac, i had no problem getting approval I hope I've helped good luck!!
   — Cindy S.

April 28, 2006
I've had lupus for 8 years and my doc said that WLS was a smart choice. I'm not on any meds for the lupus, but I am on meds for diabeties. I did have my gall bladder removed 8 years ago and that is when I was told I had lupus. Just remember that this is a major surgery and it may take our bodies to heal a bit longer then others. If you haven't already looked into this book, go and get it it's called Prescription for Nutritional Healing Prescription for Nutritional Healing, and Amazon has it for $15.00. It's a great book It has helped me so much with my lupus as well as the diabeties.
   — Jenney

April 28, 2006
Dear Karen, I am not on steroids currently, but I do have lupus and have had gastric bypass. If you would like to email me , you may do so at [email protected], and I will be glad to discuss lupus before and after gastric bypass with you in detail. Take care Peachy hugs, Gina
   — Gina Landers

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