Can we keep the responses helpful??

It seems as though folks are getting very negative feedback from certain folks (without naming anyone specific) who are supposed to be helpful. This leads to a barrage of hurt feelings and other members speaking out. Let's keep the board a helpful safe place where we can ask ANY question without being criticized. I have started reporting issues to the Operations Department: [email protected] Just my thought, Kim    — kimmy (posted on April 27, 2006)

April 27, 2006

   — [Deactivated Member]

April 27, 2006
well said Kim....
   — brenda F.

April 27, 2006
well said. I am glad soemone is speaking up Dani
   — Dani96

April 27, 2006
I absolutely agree Kim. This should all be postive information. We all have to do a tremendous amount of reading on this site as it is, we DO NOT need negitivity! Thanks for bringing up the issue! Jean
   — Jean N.

April 27, 2006
well said kim i was thinking the same thing
   — phranny19

April 27, 2006
I agree kim sometimes you can ask a question an some of the response make you feel terrible for asking imo hope what you posted help because this board is a god sent thanks
   — mk

April 27, 2006
Some posters feel that a tough love approach is needed. That may be true in some cases, but usually not as a first resort. Also, unfortunately, a lot of people are just mean and like to hide behind the "tough love" banner to excuse themselves. I agree that this could have a negative backlash on lots of posters. Good effort, Kim.
   — Jeanie

April 27, 2006
Very good advice Kim, my thought is that some people are not happy no matter what. Having to bring other people down with them. Plus it has the possibility of turning people away that really need the help and support. Thanks for stepping up and saying something.
   — Karen R.

April 27, 2006
Thanks to everyone who replied! I appreciate your support and willingness to keep this site helpful and "safe"!!! Kim
   — kimmy

April 27, 2006
I know! I almost stopped using this web site because I really can't talk about any problems I'm having without getting slammed by other memebers. I've decided not to really talk about my problems anymore on here. I just come here everyday and read about other peoples experiences and try to get as much info from that. T
   — Tonia Loveslife

April 27, 2006
AMOS MOD NOTE! Sorry to hear of the troubles. If theres anything I can do just e mail me [email protected] I am around a lot but am a volunteer and will help ASAP. Q&A traditionally has een a pretty nice friendly place and I want to keep it that way.
   — bob-haller

April 27, 2006
Kim, As Bob posted above he can also assist if there is any problems. In this situation please know that not everyone is going to post in a positive light, that's the dynamics of a message board. We have Terms of Service on the site, but there's not any rules when someone chooses to use "tough love". That's the down side of any message board, we might not always get a response we like. If there is any situation in which our terms of service have been violated, we will remove such posts. It's extremely hard to know in the context someone wrote something. I hope that anyone reading this will please consider what they write before they submit it, there are real people on the other side with real feelings. Try to be understanding about others feelings.
   — Amy Williams

April 27, 2006
Hi Kim It can be said that sometimes someone, when trying to answer an inquirey, without meaning to, has offended the party concerned. Sometimes when I answer a query I feel the need to explain a query from my point of view, especially if it is in regard to complications, as I have had some life threatening ones, and so do many of us; as with many obese indivuals, our health is often very compromised and we are having elective surgery so these issues present in a very challenging way. Sometimes there is just no "pussy footing around" as we say. But to denegrate someone, when they are doing something as positive to look for help is of no help at all. I like to think I could offer an encouraging hand along with a little frankness about my own personal situation. I have worked in the feild of counseling now for 16 years and not everyone takes the information in the same way. Some are extremly dissapointed when they realize that there is a lot of work that lies ahead before and after the surgery if they are to be successfull. But at the end of the day, we are all human, and if we slip up on the exercise, nutrition plan and Doctors orders, then well what the heck, tomorow is another day. We got a whole new slate to work on. Every win we make is worth applauding. All you folks out there just remember, you may hear what you dont really want to, but sometimes it may not be meant the way it was said, and might be just an unfortunate "slip of the pen" Thanks to all those who try earnestly to support those who are looking for help. Just remember that you cannot please everyone, you can only try. And that is the demographics. keep on trying Thanks OH that this forum is there for ALL of us indivuals.
   — Lise K.

April 27, 2006
And, if the responses aren't going to be helpful, can they at least be a little funny? Surely, the Simon Cowell's among us can learn to lighten up just a tad when exercising tough love.
   — SteveColarossi

April 27, 2006
Very good idea.... I know if one certain person who posts on almost EVERY question (hmmm not this one) and It is always very begative and absolute. Often times incorrect as well... I agree that people can use tough love as Amy said because some people ask for it but you do not have to answer every question as if someone personally offended you.
   — SteffieBear15

April 27, 2006
AMOS MOD NOTE! As the moderator or better term caretaker for this board I want to thank each and every one of you for helping others here! I arrived over 5 years ago hopeful scared and worried. The posters at the time welcomed me as do you today, and helped me to save my life! I promised myself if I survived and did well I would give back to the community. So when asked I became a mod. 99.9% of the time its a pleasure helping others:) That other small percent is unfortunately like life itself. nothing is perfect... Just wanted to thank all of you for making my job easy. bob
   — bob-haller

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