Anyone with BCBS FED approved for a tummy tuck without having a big overhang?
I don't have a big overhang, no rashes, etc.. but I do have plenty of skin to grab that is loose on my inner thighs to my knees and on my tummy. Anyone sucessful with getting approval for plastic surgery? — Connie M. (posted on January 12, 2003)
January 12, 2003
I don't have an answer for you, but I would love to know what you find out.
I have the same insurance, and I am likely going to need plastic surgery
eventually, but I also am not having any problems related to the excess's just gross. I actually ALWAYS had a rash under my breasts and
under my belly pre op, but haven't had a single one post. My loose skin is
worse on my belly, under my arms, and my breasts. I'm 7.5 mos. post op -96
— sheltie
January 12, 2003
BCBS of FL FEDERAL does not do prior approvals. Their standard answer is
have the surgery and then after we review the OP report we will decide if
it is covered. Their reasoning....if it is really medically necessary, you
will have the surgery regardless.
— Sharon H.
January 13, 2003
I, too, have the BCBS Federal and would like to get plastic surgery though
I do not have the rashes either. I guess a better question to ask is if
anyone with BCBS Fed has had plastic surgery following WLS and if it was
approved. Anyone?
— Cindy R.
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