I am having some sharp shooting pains in my right upper abdominal area.

These pains are right under my rib cage. Normally I would think gallbladder, but I had my gallbladder out 6 years ago. I am now 5 1/2 months post-op Lap RNY. Last night I ate a small amount of Gumbo for supper and it really hit me hard. I have had Gumbo before with no problems, so I do not know if it was related or not. I have had some elevated Liver emzymes...I hope it is not a liver problem. It is kinda scary. What else could it be though. I ate about 6 strawberries this morning and it is hurting still. Any advice?    — Cindy M. (posted on November 19, 2002)

November 19, 2002
well i have an ulcer in my small pouch and i guess its common in 1-2% of patients after the surgery and it runs in my family so i guess i was out numbered. my pin started right after surgery and it starts at the top of my incision and it makes me out of breath and goes into my back and i have to get up and walk around and it goes away. now my doc has me on ulcer meds and i havent had a serious attack sind=ce i started them.
   — danielle R.

November 19, 2002
I am two weeks post-op and I too have been having sharp pains in weird places. I have found it usually is gas. I have had back pain, side pain, sholder pain, it is a strange thing. Gas-X works well for me.
   — Kelly T.

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