Will this ease my recovery?

I had open RNY in February of 2001. I recently found out that I have a staple line disruption and will have to have it corrected. I was thinking that if I did some increased abdominal strengthening it would ease my recovery this time. It seems like it could help and it definately wouldn't hurt. I just wanted some of your opinions on this.    — Meredith A. (posted on February 27, 2002)

February 27, 2002
I did strengthening exercises before my RNY and I think it helped A LOT! I found it much easier to get up and down than with my c-section. I think it was because I could rely on my arms and legs for lifting and moving my body without stressing my sore abs. Ab work is fine, but I would also work your arms and legs so you can use those while the abs are out of commission. Good luck on your revision!
   — ctyst

February 27, 2002
I had to have a revision to transected pouch back in October. I had my original surgery about 9 mos prior to that. In the 9 mos I lost 68 lbs and was walking a lot. I also used a lot of protein drinks. My second surgery was a lot easier. I didn't have any of the problems I had with the incision for 4 mos and an iron problem. The revision was a breeze and as Michelle Curran told me "I was healing as I lay on the operating table" Be sure your revision includes a transection this time. Most staple line disruptions occur because surgeons used to just staple and not transect. Heck, I had 8 rows of staples the first time and STILL disrupted. I am now doing great. My pouch is very small and I have lost an additional 44 lbs! God bless you! Eat the protein, walk, and practice deep breathing. I don't know if strengthening the abs will help or not because I had my surgery open and they cut the ab muscles again. By the way, the surgeon fixed my first scar and made it very nice. He cut it out completely (about 1 inch wide) used surgical glue and internal sutures (no staples) and I healed so much faster without any problems! My scar is much smaller and prettier.
   — Marilyn C.

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