How fast should you be walking on your treadmill?

I looked at several treadmills last night. Im not running any races. The speeds were 5 MPH (198$) , 8 MPH( 298$ & 10 MPH.(398$) I cant figure out, is 5 MPH an ok speed? other than the horsepower they all had the same stuff pretty much.    — Connie M. (posted on January 23, 2002)

January 23, 2002
At about 3.8/4.0 miles an hour I had to start jogging. So 5mph is fine if you don't think you will be running.
   — Elizabeth A.

January 24, 2002
I walk at 3.0 - 3.5 mph. I find that to be a comfortable pace. 3.8-4.0, for me, is jogging. You do need to look at horsepower and go for the stronger motor, more than the speed, because of our bodyweight. Good luck and happy walking!
   — Deanna O.

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