Would I qualify at 5'9

I am 27 years old, healthy except large. I weight 275lbs, and I am 5'9" I feel big but everyone says that I carry it well. Does that have anything to do with it?    — MARILYN A. (posted on March 25, 2001)

March 24, 2001
At 5'9" and 275 your BMI would be 40.6 which would make you morbidly obese. Also do you have any comorbities? Example: Swelling of joints, high blood pressure, diabeties, back pain. These are things that you have to look at also. If you are serious, I would talk to a surgeon.
   — [Anonymous]

March 25, 2001
Hi, Marilyn. I'm also 5'9" and now 275! LOL I was 307 when I had the surgery done (I had laparoscopic BPD/DS). You qualify with a bmi of 40.6. Having co-morbidities or problems will help with the insurance approval process. I've also been told that I 'carry it well'. That was the main reason I've been obese/morbidly for many of my adult years and never considered surgery for weight loss. It wasn't until my second pregnancy, when I became 315 that I knew I needed something to prevent me from getting ever larger. I was (am) a 'healthy' fat person -- I was able to walk long distances without getting winded, had no serious problems other than joint/back pain, a small hiatus hernia (which I didn't even know about until I had the pre-op endoscopy!) and IBS/spastic colon. I knew from my past experience (yo-yoing from thin to fat again, always with more weight being added) and my family history of obesity (my mom has serious health problems and major difficulty getting around) that I had to take action. Feeling 'large' isn't really a reason for having the surgery -- I think one really has to be ready for the life changes and aftercare of surgery (be it an RNY or BPD/DS) as well as the emotional changes one will encounter losing such a massive amount of weight and not having food as a solace/comfort. Carrying well really is of little importance - the statistics show how morbid obesity can cause major health problems and early death, even if one doesn't 'seem' morbidly obese. :) At this point, you need to reflect upon your experience: Do you/can you go on another diet - will the affects be permanant (i.e. - have they been in the past or is there a yo-yo pattern going on)? Have you already incorporated lifestyle changes like healthy eating and exercise - how has this affected your health and has it resulted in weight loss? What would your reasons for having surgery be-- it is NOT a cosmetic procedure, but a major rearrangement of your digestive system. You may be healthy now, but experience problems later (diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, reproductive cancers, etc.) or you may stay healthy. I think that the problems of morbid obesity increase with age and amount of time that one has remained morbidly obese. I would definately get a referral to a surgeon to discuss your options or at least talk with your PCP to see what options you have to maximize your continued good health (i.e. - other weight loss options, lifestyle/nutritional changes, etc.). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me! All the best, ([email protected]),
   — Teresa N.

March 25, 2001
Hi Marilyn, I'm 5'9" and at the Dr. was 274. My BMI was 40 and my surgery is 4/11. Best wishes
   — Linda M.

March 25, 2001
I'm 5' 8" tall and at surgery date (4-27-00) my weight was 274lbs. It has been almost a year now and I weigh 152 lbs.
   — [Anonymous]

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