Hemroids and bleeding , pain

Could anyone tell me what I can do , since the Surgery 4 years ago. I had RNY 4 years ago and I have Hemroids so bad they are painful , they bleed and nothing seems to help It hurts so very bad when I have a BM if anyone has any advice Please all is welcome. The creams and ointments dont seem to help the pain. Oh and lets not forget the ithching WHAT TO DO PLEASE HELP?    — atxnana2 (posted on December 17, 2010)

December 17, 2010
I would see a physician that specializes in removing them. A majority of the time it is no longer a painful surgical procedure but serving that can be handled during a short office procedure. What they now do is place tiny tight rubber bands around each hemeroid and within a couple of days they fall off during your normal bowel movement. Relief comes quickly. These are vascular and are basically clots. They can rupture so it's important to have them taken care of. Try a regular dose of milk of magnesia to get u moving again. Once you're regular start taking a stool softener. Hope u get relief soon. Lisa
   — Lisa R.

December 17, 2010
I had this same problem as a result of rectal surgery 4 years ago. My doctor told me to skip the veggies that are hard to digest (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, ect.)until the pain and bleeding stops, to drink LOTS of water, take a stool softener every day, and to clean the area with a baby wipe after a BM and apply hemorrhoid cream after cleaning. It took about a week but I have never had problems with hemorrhoids since. One last tip, do your best NOT to strain while having a BM, this just aggravates the situation. Best of luck to you.
   — kittymama03

December 19, 2010
Usually this is caused by being constipated and struggling to pass large, hard stools. My constipation was greatly helped by taking Miralax, as prescribed by my enterologist. I was told to take it every day until I was going more often than I really wanted to, then to cut back to every other day. It is not a stimulant, does not work like a laxative. The best way I can describe it is that it sort of fluffs the stool, and makes it easy to pass. It worked wonderfully for me and I was so thankful not to have that pain anymore. Also, my gastroenterologist said Miralax is not habit forming, and is not bad on your system, and can be used forever if needed. I used it for months, then tried cutting down, going a day longer before taking it again, and eventually stopped taking it. I have only had to use it rarely since then. Miralax is available over the counter, but a prescription from you doctor can be filled with the generic and gets you a large supply for much less money than the small supply bought at the store. Other people have also found this to be helpful. I hope it helps you get some relief. Big Hugs and Blessings to you!
   — Lynn B.

December 22, 2010
OOOOHHHH! My Dear member how I can identify with your horrible painful dilema! I too have had this problem. I went to my doctor and he gave me 2 weeks of supositories with antibiotic since |I had bleeding and this was just to prevent infection that might be happening. Then I was told to forget the \hemmorid creams and pads such as tucks. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\to use only the pads for washing after a \bm. I was told to get the after sun alo type gel with the anistitic. You will only need a tiny amount on your finger to apply to the painful area. Don't rub it in just jently apply. It might burn for a second then low and vehold no pain. You might still have the pressure a bit but no buring itching or pain. Joy is you can apply it as often as you need with no side effects. You just need to gently wipe with a damp warm facecloth each time you are going to reapply. Also try ot to sit down during the difficult time just after having a bm. I have been doing this since |Feb and it works like a chamr, It will not make the hemmorids go away but it does take down the swelling and allows compfort. You can carry the bottle or jar with you if you are going out. Also eat oatmeal in the morning it will allow you smother stools. I make oatmeal cookies or eat all bran bar if I don't have the time to make oatmeal.
   — OntarioSilk

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