Blood Pressure Problems

Anyone have trouble with high blood pressure after surgery?    — pcannedy (posted on September 13, 2010)

September 14, 2010
my surgey is scheduled for Oct. my doc is concerned about this, my thyroid and restless leg syndrome. is it too low or too high? my doc is worried about the absorption of drugs after the surgery. i bought a morter and pestal from walmart. gonna crush them and sneak them inro my protein drink.
   — caxb2009

September 14, 2010
From day one of surgery (RNY) I was off of all blood pressure medicines (I'd been on them for nearly 20 years). My blood pressure runs between 110/70 to 120/80 without any drugs whatsoever. My PCP is just astounded, but incredibly impressed! And that was before I'd even lost any significant weight (before surgery I lost 27 pounds - but on a 312 pound frame, that's not a lot to speak of). Now, I'm down to 166, and my blood pressure is usually on the low range....which my PCP just loves.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

September 15, 2010
Hi, my PCP still has me on hbp medication although my pressure is a lot better. I guess she is waiting for my diabetes to resolve. I go for my A1C test next week. Do not worry about your pressure; just follow your doctors' advise. I great pretty well about my bp and diabetes. Congrats on your decision to have WLS. I do not regret my decision and your will not either. See you on the Losers' Bench. Pilar12
   — Pilar12

September 17, 2010
I have been having some issues even though I have lost 65lbs
   — Figler5

September 19, 2010
You need some good vitamins and not the ones in a drug store. Your blood pressure should go down once you start losing the weight. I have been taking Shaklee vitamins for the past 10 years (I am 10 years post op) They have kept me lean, healthy, and my blood tests good.
   — shellydj1975

September 25, 2010
I was on two blood pressure medicines before surgery. After surgery the surgeon took me off one of them as it has a diuretic in it. For the past few months my blood pressure has not been under good control. My problem, however is hereditary and was told I will probably always be on some medication. I had RNY in April 2010 and have now lost 70 pounds with about 30 pounds left to lose so definitely not associated with my weight.
   — Patricia A.

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