Has anyone had problems with solid proteins making you extremely nauseated?

I am especially having problems in the evening. I cannot eat an evening meal because it makes me very nauseated and causes vomiting. I can eat things like fruit later in the evening but not meat. I am four months status-post gastric bypass.    — Patricia A. (posted on August 27, 2010)

August 27, 2010
Hi Patricia I had DS on 12/17/09 and I'm still having problems eating solid proteins at 8 mons out. the Dr told me to eat any other protein products likes eggs,peanut butter,beans,tofu,cheese,deli sliced meats and a lot of protein bars and protein shakes. (all this I can tolerate) when I do try to eat meat I have it with gravy or broth that helps little. best of luck!
   — Mary D.

August 27, 2010
Yes, I am two years and two days out from gastric bypass. I have lost 165 pounds. Still not at goal but am happy where I am, EXCEPT, I can BARELY tolerate meat. Wet or dry, chopped up into tiny pieces, eaten as slowly as humanly possible it just does not agree with me. Crab meat is just about the only thing that doesn't give me a problem. I also don't have a problem with scrambled eggs. Protein bars are my constant "go to" to get enough protein. I crave a little piece of steak or chicken....but if I try it, I'm in for a three act play of discomfort, nose running/ foamies, then finally vomiting. Sorry, ,wish I could have been more positive....but this is my reality. Good luck to you.
   — Dee L.

August 27, 2010
Hi there! With me, it's the "texture" of the protein, my instance I can always eat pork and beef, but some days the texture of chicken just won't work for me. Then I day, I won't be able to eat a particular cut of beef....I think your new little banana stomach goes through phases, like a toddler, lol!!!!!
   — motomom_73069

August 28, 2010
I'm nine months post-op and can only eat very small amounts of red meat, and it has to be very moist -- although as time passes, that slowly changes. At four months, I wasn't able to eat many dense foods at all. Of course I'm delighted for the food restrictions; that's why I had the surgery. Best success!
   — Janell C.

August 28, 2010
i to have problems with meat. proccessed meat like hot dogs lunch meat , spam , arby'sroastbeef, are ok . ham beef and sringy meats are a problem for me. ground steak with graveynot so much. also pasta and bread or cake are a big problem for me also.i'm geusseing it goes with the territory. a small price to pay for 182lbs gone since wls 24 nov 09.good luck hank
   — hanksguns

August 28, 2010
Hi there, For some reason white meat chicken breast has that effect on me. Nausea only. No vomiting. Have no idea why. My only guess is the dryness of the meat, but I'm not sure. Other than that I have had no problem.Is it all meats or just a few, or just one kind. You might consider that. As far as vomiting goes it seems I can't. I'm 5 years out and I've never vomited since that time for any reason. God knows there have been times when I wish I could.Nausea is a lousy feeling. Good luck
   — Arl3rd

August 29, 2010
i am 20 months out from a ds and anything greasy comes right back up. i had my gallbladder out with the ds. i cant eat anything too sweet either. all for the good i guess.
   — lucyfur

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