Can anyone recommend a good blender??

I have been shopping for a blender and want to make sure I get a good one. I'm having RNY on August 16th. I know I will need to make protein shakes and puree some meats for the first month. I have been told to make sure to get a glass jar, but other than that, not sure... would love any and all recommendations on what type of blender you used or still use. Thanks so much!! Also feel free to tell me of any other appliances that you think I may find beneficial :)    — Clumsybarbie (posted on July 1, 2010)

July 1, 2010
First off don't even start doing protein shakes. I am six years out and haven't gained anything after losing 130lbs. Protein shakes are for body builders, eventually the shakes will put weight back on you that you won't be able to get off. My surgeon told me at the time that this surgery only works if you eat. If you are going to use a blender then put in natural foods not the protein. Eat whatever you can hold down. Forget about worrying over getting enough protein. The first year is about being able to eat, finding nutritious foods, But everything needs to be natural not processed protein! Not a lot just a few bites. A 1/2 banana,Few bites of cottage cheese,1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwich. puree soup or your favorite foods. Eat all day this way. Drink a lot of water and walk as much as you can as it will decompress your tummy. (get the gas out)Pepcid is safe and it works very well. Walk, Eat, Water!!! Walk Eat Water..One more thing/ The slower the weight comes off the better chance your skin will bounce back, Plateaus are good. You can't fail this is not a diet!! Good Luck!
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

July 1, 2010
Kimberly don't do protein shakes? That contradicts everything I have read on OH. I would not listen to Kimberly, if your doctor says drink the shake DRINK THE SHAKE. I think I want an Oster. I have always like them and my grandmother had one that lasted FOREVER. Congratss and good luck.
   — That_816_Princess

July 1, 2010
Check out unjury and save yourself some searching for the protein, but you want a glass carafe and a powerful enough motor to crush and shave ice. Ice is your best friend after the surgery. I would advice looking at the Cuisinart, and the other one that was recommended. Do a search on them, and read the reviews. Compare the horsepower and versatility, and avoid soups for the same reason you don't drink when you eat 30 minutes before or after a meal. Beware of foods that do not have substance but "slide" through the pouch. By the way, after a year and 11 months, I still can't eat peanut-butter, but I can eat almost ANYTHING else. I don't because everything isn't good for me...strong alcohol, peanut butter, some breads, greasy foods...these get to me. Be prepared to realize that you have no idea how foods really taste. The reason I don't eat a lot of things I used to think I loved, is that they taste nasty now that I taste with my tongue and not my head. GBY on your journey. I strongly suggest you become a fan of Kaye Bailey on Facebook and here and watch her videos on Utube. She is the lady with the 5-day Pouch Test that you might want after a year or so to show you that you still have a tool that works. It's your walk
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

July 1, 2010
Well, I am very concerned with the one person saying to you, do not worry about getting enough protein. You need to see your nutritionist, mine tells me that I need to eat at least 60 grams of protein. Ideally in an ideal world, I would get my protein from meat. I can't tolerate meat, so I do supplement with a protein shake once a day. If you do not get enough protein you will lose your hair and muscle mass. I am underweight right now as we speak, and I do not want to gain, however, 5 lbs more would be fine. I bought the Magic Bullet, it is a great little appliance and it makes shakes great and it pureed all my food I used to eat when I was on the pureed phase of this program. Good luck
   — FSUMom

July 1, 2010
Get a Magic Bullet. That is the only thing I use. It doesn't have the glass jar but it can do everything you need.
   — dsquire

July 1, 2010
I m concerned that someone told you no protein shakes. HUH? 100 percent of the RNYers I know still use protein shakes to up their protein. A magic bullet worked perfectly for that first year. It makes smaller amounts, and that is plenty. Now I drink a bit larger larger shakes and enjoy them like a milkshake. I put in fruit, protein powder, some nonfat milk, and lots of ice. I currently use a Ninja and love it. The Ninja really shaves the iced to little pieces like snow.
   — lindavip

July 1, 2010
I kept seeing people say no protein shakes, don't worry about protein and I question this line of thinking. I was told that no matter what I ate, I could only get around 25% of the needed protein from foods and I would need to do supplemental protein. I went on Amazon and bought a Cuisinart combo device a few years ago. It is a blender and a food processor. Just switch the top. Works fine.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 1, 2010
Thank you everyone for the great answers and thanks for clearing up the protein issue, I know that's what I've been told is protein, protein, protein... although I believe she meant well, the person who said not to worry about protein or protein shakes really confused me :/... with all of your great answers, I know I'm back on track! Thanks again :)
   — Clumsybarbie

July 2, 2010
Some people don't do protein shakes after they have lost weight, some don't do them once they are back on regular food. It's a personal choice - however, most people NEED them postOp as our systems have been rearranged and the best thing we can do is keep our protein levels up to promote healing and we can't handle digesting hunks of meat. Yes - protein matters! That said, I don't like blenders because I end up making a FAMILY SIZE batch for just me and I still have issues with "cleaning my plate - or cup as the case may be". I wore out two magic bullets in less than 4 months, while they are FABULOUS while the work, they are pricey for a disposable blender. I now use a Cuisinart stick blender - I blend up whatever I want in the container I am drinking it out of and have only a blade to clean. TIP: always rinse it right after use, makes washing MUCH easier later on. This thing is built like construction equipment and takes up FAR less space than all the cups from a Magic Bullet. My 2 cents. Good luck. And at 9.5 months out I have at least 1 protein shake per day to make sure I get my protein in and its a great high protein breakfast, fast and easy!
   — Diane324

July 2, 2010
At a little ove a year out, I've lost 135 lbs (still losing, but SLOWLY) and hot my personal goal weight. In the beginning I had to do protein shakes and they were the only way I could get in ample protein because solid food I just couldn't handle a lot of. Even now, I typically stick to 4-7oz at one meal, and rarealy is it 7oz. I have both the cuisinart (love it) blender and the magic bullet. The magic bullet did better for me because the vessels are smaller and portable. A word of warning - I could not drink plended protein shakes for a while because the clenders would whip so much air into the shakes that they would make me have horrible gas pain. A friend bought me a "blender shaker" - can't remember the exact name, but they come from Vitamin Shoppes and it has a mini round whisk in the shaker that helps you blend protein powder - this made far less bubbles, and I still use it when I have a protein shake. I do maybe a 1-2 protein shakes a week, wither RTD or just make it. I am a big fan of the unflavored because so many of them are so sweet and I couldn't stand that, especially after surgery. The two best out there are Unjury unflavored and Inspire unflavored from - check outtheir site - it has all kinds of awesome recipes and ideas as wellas bariatric friendly things - it's been a big help. I also use the unflavored in my daily iced coffee or hot coffee (not too hot!). Good luck!
   — stellarsan

July 2, 2010
Teri: Lots of luck on your upcoming surgery. Welcome to the losers bench, sister! You will find a lot of good advice and support here on these boards, but as you can best discern yourself--ask someone a question and EVERYONE has an opinion! Therefore I would seriously recommend that you follow closely the guidance of your personal surgeon and NUT recommendations and then follow those of fellow RNY'ers. I would also say that if you read an answer here that is confusing or plain and simply just does not sit right with your "suspect meter" then I would suggest you bypass that bit of advice to err on the side of caution. However, you specifically asked for blender recommendations (I didn't forget, even if I digressed off topic with my own 2 cents), so here is what I can tell you. I am now 6 mos. postop RNY, lost almost 90# and regained a part of my life I thought was gone forever. However, I am VERY big on protein supplementation being part of my life and although that can come in many different shapes and sizes, I will often drink protein shakes (Unflavored Pure brand sold at several times a day b/c nothing will provide you the satiety of a good protein smoothie. It also is easily digestible and when you have eaten something that contained too much sugar, carbs or the like nothing helps reset your internal digestion like a protein shake. (Sorry to all my fellow posters who feel or say differently as this is JUST my personal experience/opinion). Now that I can eat almost any food -- if even in moderation -- I will often eat protein in the form of meats, cheeses, vegs, etc., again unflavored protein can be added to almost any liquid (including coffee and ice tea for the summer months) as well as soups, etc. and you are sure to get in your allotment of protein (60-70g daily) in this way. I owned a Magic Bullet preop and although I like it well enough, I found one that is the cat's pajamas and then some because it comes with a large glass blender (and small chopper) and it's stainless steel blades can cut up a coconut -- or so I have experienced when I put in chunks of a fresh coconut and came out with a shake that had no lumps. It is called the Ninja Master Prep and is available at most all retail stores (Wal*Mart, Target, and even sold @ Bed, Bath & Beyond where if you have a 20% off coupon you can buy it for less than $34, including tax. See description here at Target: Again, lots of luck Teri with your upcoming surgery and Godspeed to you on your journey. Stay in touch in your early postop days for tips, support and general encouragement.
   — momeego

July 2, 2010
I used a Magic Bullet and it was perfect and I still use it.
   — postalmoose

July 2, 2010
I started out using the magic bullet. However, I have recently found the Cuisenart hand held blender, which I love. I don't waste as much of my drink because I can mix it right in my glass. Good luck to you!
   — sandorah

July 3, 2010
I never said you didn't need protein. I said you need to get your protein from foods. Not supplemental processed shakes. The first year out you will not get in enough protein I agree. But you will be eating real food, you will find out what you can and cannot tolerate. After your tummy heals about a year out. Then you pump up your protein with food. This is what my surgeon recommended 6 years ago in 2004. He told me if I want to keep the weight off then eat and not supplement shakes. Go look at all the people on this site that are only 2 or 3 years out and further, they have gained weight and can't get it off. The protein works that way. You continue to supply your body with processed protein then you will bulk up in 2 - 3 years, Body builders bulk faster because they lift every day. It is safer to eat. Liquids at first, soups, broths etc. Then introduce solids. But stick to unprocessed foods. Supplement with vitamins. I am 6 years out. By keeping my weight off it saved my life twice as cancer is genetic in my family. The oncologists who performed my surgeries told me that I had zero fat and because of that the cancer had no where to go as cancer spreads though fat like wild fire. I don't gain. I never did protein and I survived Kidney cancer grade 3 in 2008, Cervical Cancer grade 3 in 2009 and recently a tumor that was benign behind my throat. So believe what you will. I am healthy, I still look great at 130 lbs. and I can eat whatever I want. I supplement vitamins and eat very well.
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

July 6, 2010
Love my Bella blender from Kohl's. I have had it for over a year and make a Click or Whey protein shake in the morning and one in the evening. I also use it to make milkshakes for the kids and smoothies too. It's a great blender for $29.99 and I had a 30% off coupon...can't beat that even if I had to buy one every two years! Good luck.
   — Tangerine4

July 13, 2010
Hello. The day I got out of the hospital from having thevsg surgery I got myself a good blender. It's one of the blenders out on the market right now, and it's called: Oster 12-speed All Meatl Drive. The blades are shrap. Just about good for everything. I am still on my protein drinks for the protein and the other good stuff I need to keep my healthy. I hope this helps you out. Good luck with your post-op stuff/things.
   — Watson

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