Coffee Coffee Coffee.....Is it part of my past?!?!

I drink two kinds of and water...I had read on a site online that once I have the surgery that I will not be allowed to drink coffee again....Is this true?!?!?!!??!?!?    — ReneeKelly (posted on April 17, 2010)

April 17, 2010
i have coffee every morning i dont think it hurts me i feel fine after i drink it but.... every one is different
   — laydcherry

April 17, 2010
I have no idea what your specific diet instructions will be - they seem to differ a lot. Me personally drink coffee at least three times a day (with lactoseless milk nowadays) after my weight loss surgery. I think you will most probably be fine drinking coffee afterwards. Everything is problably best in moderation though.
   — Swedish_Mia

April 17, 2010
I, too, was a big coffee drinker before surgery. I was told by my Surgeon and nutritionist that decaf coffee was ok. That is what I have been drinking (with lo-fat creamer). The main reason for decaf I am told is because caffeine is a diuretic which will cause you to expel liquids faster and increase the potential for dehydration. I have not ventured to drink regular coffee yet. I am only 6 weeks out from RNY surgery. But I am happy to at least drink some coffee (although it now takes forever to drink it :o) I have been decaffeinated since prior to surgery and figured I would do my best not to go back to it. So far so good. My other drink of choice was unsweetened decaf iced tea before surgery. Best of luck to you.
   — Robert Young

April 17, 2010
You will be told a lot of stuff. I started back on coffee very soon after my surgery. You will have to find out by trial and error what works for you. Some health nazis hate coffee. Some will tell you that it is an appetite stimulant and should be used with caution.
   — lucyfur

April 17, 2010
I was advised to go completely decaf. When I got my surgery date I titered down and began drinking half and half decaf/caffeinated until I was completely defacafed. Now I really do not miss the caffeine but I have discovered more full bodied coffee to make up the difference. One suggestion tho.....use an unflavored protein powder as part of your creamer to make it a healthy drink.....good luck
   — karensaporito

April 17, 2010
I waited 6 months to have coffee too. I wasn't allowed to have caffeine prior to that.
   — FSUMom

April 17, 2010
I too was a big coffee drinker. And to be honest, if I drink coffee that I make at home, it seems to send me to the toidy! However, I did find Rockstar roasted coffee drinks. I love them! The light Vanilla is my favorite. It has lower carbs and calories but TASTES GREAT! My dr. allows me one a day! Kind of like my little treat... plus it has lots of good B vitamins in it!
   — Amy N.

April 17, 2010
the main concern with coffee is caffine. You can choose decaf or limit yourself to one cup a day. Hubby has to have his one small cup but per suggestion of someone in his support group he puts Iso Pure Zero vanilla protein powder in it and it tastes like his old capaccino with added benefits. His doctor gave approval as it is only once a day.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 18, 2010
I was told that coffee is a diuretic - we have enough difficulty getting in all our water everyday, and if you drink coffee you need to up your water consumption by approximately 2-3 cups of water for every cup of regular coffee you drink. Decaf has less caffeine, but still has some caffeine in it, so you need to drink 1 cup of water for every 1 cup of decaf coffee. They also told me I should be sure and get my water in first, and then have the coffee if I am going to drink it. During the first year it was hard to get in my required water as it was, so I didn't drink any coffee in that period. Now it is easier, and I often have a cup of coffee in the morning first thing - on days that I am pretty stressed and have lots to do, I find I may even have up to 3 cups - and because I am so busy, I don't get my water in - I feel so bloated for the next few days and don't feel very energized. Each person is a little different in how they react to any food or liquid after WLS surgery, so you need to see how things affect you. Just be sure to get in extra water if you drink caffeinated drinks, though. NOTE: chocolate also has caffeine, so if you drink sugar free hot chocolate, you may have a similar issue.
   — Wendy M.

April 18, 2010
I drink coffee every day... My dr said that as long as you drink enough non caffeinie drinks during the day your will be fine. I even mix proteing powder in my coffee in the mornings. If I had to give up coffee I wouldn't have made it. I gave up sugar and most fried foods and everything else I was supposed to but I will not give up my coffee for anyone.
   — phyllismmay

April 18, 2010
I had the sleeve done(dont know if it makes a difference or not) and I do drink coffee every now and then, some days i can drink a whole cup, other days i take one drink and think ewww....that is not sitting right and then i dont drink it. So I guess it just depends on you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 19, 2010
I have been drinking coffee since my surgery which will be 3 years this coming May. I have 2 cups every morning and drink water the rest of the day and than around 3pm I have another cup. I could not go without my caffine it's what keeps me going. (I'd stop drinking coffee, but I'm no quitter :)LOL) I have lost 77lbs with 10 to go and have never had a problem as long as I get a sufficient amount of other liquids. Joann
   — Redhead7977

April 19, 2010
I use McDonalds sf vanilla iced coffee to make my protein shakes every morning. I have a difficult time meeting my protein needs so I know if I add Click or GNC Whey powder to that it is very tasty and full of protein. I am 18 months out and three pounds below goal. I feel great and have had no issues since day one. Good luck to you. I do make sure to get in my water though.
   — Tangerine4

April 19, 2010
I had RNY gastric Bypass in 2008. I have lost a total of 200 pounds. I drink coffee A LOT. I know some others may not agree with drinking coffee, but I am merely being honest. I drink probably 8 or 9 mugs a day, regular and decaf. I put Splenda or Stevia in it. I have had no problems. (Of course, I don't eat and drink at the same time).
   — Gina S.

April 19, 2010
I had to laugh, I was drinking coffee when I read the question and answers this morning. I drink coffee pretty much whenever I feel like it. I spent a year in Lafayette, LA after having my surgery in 2000 and got hooked on Community Club Dark Roast. Now THAT is coffee LOL! I moved back to Texas and got my mom hooked on it. Until I lost my job last May I had to have at least one large mug of strong coffee in the morning and then I may or may not have one later in the day. Interestingly though now I MAY have 1 or 2 mugs a week but when I have it I use artificial sweetner and non-fat non-dairy creamer.
   — Kellye C.

April 19, 2010
I am 18 weeks out and have tried to drink coffee(decaf) it gives me severe stomach pains and I end up in the bathroom.
   — mjdudley83

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