3 weeks post op felt sick after eating, tried to vomit,but nothing,today, pouch hurts

I am 3 weeks post-op. I ate something that did not sit right. About 5 minutes later, I felt terrible and my heart began to race. I felt like I had to throw up, but nothing came out just lots of spit.. I was wretching for about 6 times. After about 3 hours it went away, but today, I am hurting in my pouch area...Anyone else experience this?    — losriosgirl (posted on April 15, 2010)

April 15, 2010
I have experienced that. I know that either I ate too much or the texture of the food was such that it got 'stuck'. At 3 weeks post op, I was just starting soft food. Especially at 3 weeks post-op, I had to be very careful to eat very small amounts and to chew everything. I made myself throw up when this happened. I also paced the room for about 20 minutes. I have learned to chew everything to a paste and, eat very slowly and only swallow small amouts. I also never eat anything that is too dry (like roasted soy beans or tuna without mayo). I never want that to happen again.
   — MargaretHM

April 16, 2010
You aren't ready for solid food yet. YOu should still be on liquids actually. The food was stuck in the opening to your pouch as it is only the width of your little finger. When you do eat food phase 3-4 be sure to take small bites, nickel size at first to get used to the smaller opening, and chew very well and eat slow. This is very important this early post op. Your pouch will be sore from dry heaves, but when this does happen, it is normal for the pouch to be sore, as it is still swollen and tender from surgery. Be gentle and baby it. best wishes.
   — Kristy

July 31, 2010
Did you eat something with sugar??? would that be considered "Dumping"
   — leesaleesa

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