I'm three months post -op for Lap Band and am experiencing hair loss any idea why?

I recently noticed a loss of hair and a change in texture.    — drd45 (posted on February 24, 2010)

February 24, 2010
Are you getting the required 60 grams of protein? I find it hard and I am 2 months post op for Lap Bsnd and I drink Whey Protein shots in 26 grams from walmart to help get protein down fast.
   — 2spyce

February 24, 2010
Hair loss is not only a protein issue... a lot of times its simply the trauma of surgery on the body that causes hair loss usually starting 2-3 months post-op. I myself get plenty of protein and I also take biotin, but it has not spared my hair loss any.
   — Jennifer F.

February 24, 2010
I know at the wl clinic I went to, I was told I would lose some hair due to rapid weight loss and body adjusting,but if you don't get in enough protein you'll lose more. I couldn't tolerate protein shakes, and didn't get enough in and lost alot of hair, I'm almost one year out and slowing down alot now. Good luck,hope that helps.

February 24, 2010
You must get in 60 grams of protein daily. I had minimal hair loss and I comsumed the correct amount of protein. Thank God my hair loss has stopped.
   — FSUMom

February 24, 2010
I waS tolD 8O grams of protein(isopure) daily,multivItamiN,viTamin d and cALcium supplement which I found at Walmart in chewabLE form aNd biotin will alSo helP. I eat plenty Of fish,tuna,chicken I was afraid of hair. And muSCle Loss. Hope this heLpS
   — roseann S.

February 24, 2010
Hair loss is common with any major surgery. Your hair will probably keep falling out for about 8 mos, but don't worry, it will grow back. I have extremely fine thin hair, so it got quite sparse, and wasn't pretty, but it's back to normal. If the hair loss really bothers you, there are always hats! ;) May God Bless You Abundantly! Kathie
   — KathieV

February 24, 2010
While rapid weight loss may be part of the cause for your hair loss I suspect the main cause is telogen effluvium. Check out this link for a great description. I started t loose hair at about 3 months post-op. I'm now almost 10 months post-op and most of what I lost is noticably back.
   — Mike A.

February 24, 2010
All of these answers are RIGHT on the money! As for Biotin - I found that taking a 1000 mg Biotin each time I take Calcium w/ Vit D works best - that way it's spread out and I know I'm have the best chance of absorbing as much Biotin as possible. The protein is definitely the most important component to helping with hair loss. There seems to be a lot of variation as to the recommendations - 60 mg/day or 80 mg/day or 1/2 mg protein per day per pound CURRENT weight. I try to get at least 80 mg per day - 125 mg would be the "by weight" amount. You should be having bloodwork at your 3 or 6 month postOp visit to check your protein levels (and a whole bunch of other stuff - I think it was 10 tubes total for all of the different tests). That will give the Dr a good idea what you are and aren't getting enough of. Good luck - I had some pretty bad hair loss before surgery - mouse sized balls of hair each shower!! I lost 79 pounds preOP and it has finally settled down since Sept 09 RNY and is probably slightly above a "regular" person. Fortunately I have very thick hair, so I don't have any noticeable thinning - I DO use shampoo and conditioner purchased from my hairdresser, and follow her recommendations and do NOT wash my hair daily - I skip a day in between. Since she makes a profit selling me the products, I'm sure she wouldn't tell me washing every OTHER day is better for my hair unless it was true. And it's growing just as fast (maybe even faster) than before surgery - nails too (though I have acrylics on top of the natural nails). Good luck and stay on top of the protein and supplements - even what was lost will grow back from the posts I have read.
   — Diane324

February 24, 2010
Keep increasing your proteins limiting the carbs to nothing is best. But add Biotin and Zinc which helps the body absorb the Biotin. But no more than 50 mg of zinc at one time as it can burn the inners of your stomach & intestines if more.
   — Michael Eak

February 25, 2010
I am 6 months out RNY, been taking biotin and zinc sups since I started and get the protein in and still losing hair. its individual.... your body is protesting..
   — MarthaJ0110

February 25, 2010
Thak you everyone for all the suggestions and help. I am scheduled to see my doctor next week but in the mean time I will increase my protein intake and ask about the supplements.
   — drd45

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