Did you tell everyone you had surgery, or did you say you're on a diet?

My hubby says I shouldn't have an issue with telling anyone I had gastric bypass surgery after it's done. I'm less than 4 weeks away from having it. I kind of feel like I'd rather everyone thought I was sticking to a diet and exercising regularly-which would be the truth anyway. Did you tell everyone about the procedure? Did you 'white lie' about it? My family knows, but no one else except my boss who is very confidential. What did you do?    — Colleen O. (posted on January 3, 2010)

January 3, 2010
Well, I have to say that I am a very private person. I think prior to surgery about 7 people knew. I am now 5 months post op and I think about 20 people know. I have only told people who are friends and who are noticing my weight loss. Obviously others are noticing and I just say thanks. Then when they continue to ask I tell them I am eating less than 1000 calories a day and walking daily. That seems to satisfy their curiousity!
   — Amy Smith

January 3, 2010
I decided to tell people that I had surgery but someone else that I know in my small town decided not to tell anyone so we talk and support one another. Not telling anyone has been better for her so it really just depends. I've lost from 354 to 190 so people who haven't seen me since before surgery often worry if I've got cancer so I find it easier to reassure them that i'm okay. On the other hand it's your private business so if you just want to tell them the weight is coming off due to diet changes and exercise that's okay. (because it's not a lie it is the truth) Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

January 3, 2010
Before surgery I only told a few close frineds at work. All my family on both sides knew what I was doing. At work after surgery, 10 weeks ago, most everyone knows either by talking with others or asking me. So far no negative comments just alot of love and support. Surprising, but good none the less. All I can say is be proud and honest and let people accept it or not. Be rpoud of what you are or have done and feel good about it not ashamed. You are saving your own life, literally
   — postalmoose

January 3, 2010
It sounds like you've already made your decision since you've told several people aready and word does get matter how much you trust those people to not say anything. Everyone deals with life differently. I am a very private person. I told only one person...the person with whom I live. I didn't tell even one family member, coworker, or friend. Mostly because I didn't want it to be talked about. I must admit it mostly has to do with me being embarrassed of the weight I was. It's bad enough I was that weight I didn't want people talking about it. Like I said I'm a private person. When people would ask about my eating habits I simply said I was getting healthy because I want to live a long and full life. I never lied about my surgery but then again no one has directly asked me if I had surgery either. Good luck.
   — Caribou ME

January 3, 2010
Whenever anyone asks, I tell them the truth. I get mixed reactions. No one has ever been rude or said anything negative. The look on their face says it all if they aren't pleased. But that's their problem, not mine.
   — Char-Ree C.

January 3, 2010
I told people. I was proud of the decision I made and wanted to get as much support as possible, which is exactly what happened. Thank God I didn't just tell one person because the person (a friend) who went through all of the educational classes and everything else, no longer supports me. She says I have changed, which basically means that I don't let people walk all over me anymore and that meant her. If I had only told her, where would I be? I told my coworkers, and like it was stated before, people talk. They have all supported me, and I have even become a mentor for the surgery at my job. Whenever a person is thinking about it, the nurse sends them to me to ask questions. If they have the surgery I keep up with them and help them as much as I can. So,for me at least, I am really glad I told. So much good has come out of it and I wouldn't change it for the world. If I had it to do again, I still would have told everyone. It is your decision, so it is something you will need to decide on your own. Good luck.
   — Dawn A.

January 3, 2010
I told some people but some i didn't because they would'nt be happy for me just tell me I could have done something else. Also its how you feel I had to tell my mom to stop telling everyone she talks too, she too was saying whats the problem. Then I told her I did'nt feel like I had to explain to some people why I had the surgery. I just tell them to cut their sugar and carbs work out and leave it at that. I'm very happy with the weight lost I feel like a new person.
   — kaybusk

January 4, 2010
I have to agree with Dawn. You could help change someone elses life. If it werent for a coworker years ago talking to me about his surgery I would have never had it done. And it has changed my life. I also think whatever makes you most comfortable. Just remember it isnt just diet and exercise, you have a helper. I just simply state that I had bariatric surgery. I havent gotten any negative comments yet and I live in a small town. The weight loss was rapid in less than 7 months I have lost 112 lbs. People will know that that cant be diet and exercise alone. I would personally rather be up front and I too am a private person. I just think of the few people I knew that were honest about it and how much they helped me. They answered so many questions for me. The decision is ultimtely up to you just remember all the talk about Star Jones when she didn't fess up to the weight loss surgery. People will talk sadly enough. Remember you made a decision to save your life! Congratulations and good luck to you!! =)
   — callen3640

January 4, 2010
I am waiting for a surgery date. I have told my family and my best friend and my boss because she's going to be wondering why I need days off. Other than that, I'm not telling anyone. I'm going to let them think I'm doing really well with a diet (which is actually true). I'm a private person and I don't want to deal with people if they have a negative reaction to WLS. That's just how I am going to handle this. I think it's a personal decision just as the surgery is. Best of luck to you.
   — jackmom1484

January 4, 2010
Absolutely tell people, its a huge decision to do what your doing! You are willing to make changes to make your life better. You are admitting you need help with your habits. You are taking back your control of your addiction to food! Be proud of what you are doing and what you are accomplishing!!!!! It's NOT the easy way out, its hard and it requires dedication. My family, co-workers and friends and strangers for that matter, tell em all...... its an amazing transformation. I ate lunch out the other day and the waitress noticed i was eating small bites and said something, I am 4 months out and 81 pounds down. so instead of someone looking at me and saying "wow...look how much she is eating..they are saying Wow... you look great how did you do that! I noticed you didn't eat alot..... YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Congrats....
   — MarthaJ0110

January 4, 2010
I have only told my family and a handful of close friends. I think when you start losing weight, it's in no way a lie if someone asks about it to say that you are working really hard, eating right and exercising. Although I had the lapband and not GBP, it is very hard work. You really have to be dedicated, and for anyone to say it's the easy way out is extremely incorrect.
   — Melissa C.

January 5, 2010
hello i am very private person i dont go around dicussing my personal/health business with anyone because everyone is not for you to better your life this is my own opinion if a person is overweight with health problems i might discuss it with them in private time setting ,but go arround and telling people about my health/personal business OH OH NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!
   — goal100

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