I'm 3 days post-op and miserable

I have no appetite. I'm SO sick of cream soups, malt-o-meal, and pudding. What else is there to eat? I absolutely HATE the protein supplement powder crap and im feeling i wish i wouldnt have done the left side is killing me and all i wanna do is sleep and walk (cause it feels good). and sorry TMI but I havent had a bm since thurs night & only because the nurse @ hospital gave me 2 suppositories that day..ugh! I feel miserable...can somebody please help me w/ some support?!    — snourty (posted on November 7, 2009)

November 7, 2009
Hang in there! it will get better--I'm only 4 weeks out, and while I still tire easily, I also had that left sided pain--bad. I wore my "girdle" and some nites slept in a recliner, which was more comfortable to me than laying flat. I just went on solids a few days ago. I found a few protein things I liked: Click (tastes like cafe mocha--15 grms of protein with water, add another 8 if you make it with milk); atdkins advantage are ok. I also ordered the fruit drinks (mix with water; 15 grams of protein) from the hospital (brand was smartforme). Another thing I tried was pureed cottage cheese, a little s/f vanilla ice cream and pinapple. sounds weird, but was good. As far as the constipation, (I had this bad too) drink, walk, and also it will get better after you get off your pain meds. I now take benefiber daily (but remember, I'm 4 weeks out) and that really helps--so you may want to ask about it. I guess your letter touched a note in me b/c at 3 days I felt so much like you! It does get better, although I am no expert--perhaps some people who are longer out will also offer you words of wisdom.
   — maryjo68

November 7, 2009
At 3 days out - I thought, 'What the hell did I just do?" now, at almost 5 months out and wearing a size 14....It gets way better! is my daily spot for staying "In check" I have had some rough days, but I do have so much energy now and Diabetes is gone! Hang in there - You'll find what works for you, keep walking and get your water in - I will keep you in my prayers, and know that there are many people who will support you! Best of luck.
   — ericahamel

November 7, 2009
I was in the exact same boat.No appetite,and the food i was putting in was a task because i wasn't even hungry but knew i had to eat.As soon as my diet allowed(1-2 weeks,all DR'S are different)I fell in love with refried beans and lite sour cream.I did fine on that about 8 days out.We all have asked our selves the first couple days"What have I done?" I can garantee in two weeks out you are going to feel great and have no regrets.You will be able to start new foods very soon so just hold on.I actually don't get hungry still and have to remind myself to eat. I wish you the best and please don't think you have messed up because you are going to feel great.Give it just a little more time.
   — carolyn1970

November 7, 2009
My surgery was in July. I was sooooo miserable for the whole summer. Same as everyone else I wondered what did I do and could I have really just dieted and excercised and not made this drastic (non reversible) change to my body? I did not feel better in two weeks or three. In fact for me it was more like 8 weeks of weakness and emotional struggle. OH buddies kept telling me it will get better. Although I knew they would not lie, I could not see how that would happen. Well my dear, they were right. I am off of BP meds, lost 60 pounds, and feeling better everyday. Energy has returned and life is on the way forward to better than "normal". Just hang in there and tell yourself you can do this!
   — browngathers

November 7, 2009
Hi Amy, I'm 16 months out..down 135 lbs. Even on my worst day I would still have done the RNY surgery. I have had alot of issues with the weightloss..but they were/are all worth it to me. Your body just went thru a complete major change. After any surgery you will be just as you feel. There are many different brands of protein out there and our tastes for thing change for some odd reason after surgery. Things I could or even enjoyed before just dont taste the same now. I was better with cold things at first..all sugar free of course. Fudgesiceles, popsciles,yogart-even frozen, pudding,jello. Some people are not able to do the cold..but it really helped me. Drink(sip) your water. Make sure you get enough to drink,that may also help with the bm.I have many different types of protein drinks I use. Some are powdered,some are bottles...Isopure..40grms of protein. I use crushed ice and pour it over and sip on it. I never liked Kool-aid,but this has many different flavors..I like the Apple Melon..that is may not be for everyone. I use GNC in my area as they will either give me a sample or they have some mixed up to sample. There are many good companies out there to order on line is Vita-Lady. The support group I use has given me samples from Vita-Lady and they really are very good..I just dont do well with ordering and waiting for something to get to me. It really will get better..and you will enjoy the new healthier time. Rest and let your body heal. See you on the Losers Bench!
   — tootsie52

November 7, 2009
hey there this is paulette from florida. i understand that you will feel tired so sleep. try to drink water that may help with the bm's. water is good for our bodies. drink some broth different flavors. be creative with what you can eat. it will get better and remember this is a major surgery and you body needs time to heal. slow and steady wins the race. my e mail is [email protected] if you need more help i will be glad to talk to you. take care paulette corrao pinellas park florida.
   — paulette23

November 7, 2009
I know what you mean, I think everyone goes thru that thing of "what did I do"? but like everyone else, I just couldnt wait to get to the next day, cuz each day gets better and better. I got thru my 3-4 weeks after surgery with a liquid protein called Protidiet, it comes in many flavors and you mix with water and I was amazed by the taste, as I can tell ya those other protein soups, puddings and drinks made me gag, but this one was good, live on it for weeks and also have one every once in awhile, also use them in my smoothies in the summer. Just hang in there, make sure you get your water (liquids) in and walk walk walk, you will be up and feeling great real soon, keep in touch!! Will be praying for you. Welcome to the Losers Bench.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 7, 2009
I think just about everyone goes through this mental game. What you are feeling is very very normal, but just hang in there, I promise it gets so so much better. Before you know it you will be thinking why did I ever doubt having this surgery. Keep your head up and think happy thoughts. Good luck and welcome to the losers side!
   — bostonkid33

November 8, 2009
I have a few months before surgery, but I am cruising through the OH site and getting ideas of what to expect. I am glad there is a site for advice and support. I hope it makes the journey easier. Good luck with your recovery, I hope all is going well and that you will continue to visit the site for the great support that is out there.
   — davlynmb

November 8, 2009
I agree with everyone else. I too had those feelings. But now, six months post-op and down 64 pounds. Now I know it's the best thing I've ever done for myself! Hang in there.
   — Char-Ree C.

November 9, 2009
At 3 days post op, it is best to stay on liquids. Clear liquids. Because you don't have an appetite, you will forget to "eat" but you need to get in as much liquids per day as possible, don't expect a lot right now, but do try. Which means, set your minute timer for every 5 minutes to remind you to sip, sip, sip. Chicken broth, beef broth, sugar free popcicles, tea, protein (Atkins Advantage) thinned down, Crystal Lite, any sugar free liquids. You won't have an appetite for 3 months or longer. Your hunger nerves (don't know what else to call them, have been severed during surgery) so they have to grow back. YOu will start to feel a tingling weird feeling on the inside, almost like an itch. But don't worry that is the nerves growning back. You are having pain from the gas they used to blow up your abdomen and maybe even the anesthesia. You can use a light stool softener, Sinocot (sp) to help you with the hardening of the stools. But to make you go, try a little Milk of Magnesia. The first week or two is pretty rough. It is normal to not use the bathroom for the first 3-4 days. But when you do "Open the Windows" LOL, But hang in there it is all worth it. Try my suggestions, and if you have any other questions, please email me.
   — Kristy

November 9, 2009
I am 3 days post op also. I have not gotten sick of the foods just the flavors everything is sweet so broth is good for me and the sugar free pops. I still crunch on alot of ice to. I do not start protein until day 5 post op so i can not help you there. yes in the hospital i freaked out about what have I done, was this the right choice.
   — Debbie G.

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