5 wks tomorrow

I am 5 wks tomorrow I have recently started to feel pain in my middle part of my back on my left side and it goes to my rib cage under my breast.The pain was so bad I thought I was having a haeart attack. They did a ekg and x rays on my lungs they also took urine for test nothing they found wrong with me .I am taking liquid loratab and that helps.Have this happen to anyone.I am going to see my doctor on Oct 14.    — felicia45Cook (posted on October 14, 2009)

October 14, 2009
Believe it or not, it probably was gas. It does feel like a heart attack. But since they didn't find anything on the ekg, then gas was/is the problem. You might not feel like you have gas, but it gets trapped in that area.
   — Kristy

October 14, 2009
I agree, I am 6 wks p/o. I went back to work on Tuesday after surgery on the previous Thursday. I would have those pains for like the next 3 weeks. I would lean back in my chair (it reclines sort of), and stretch it out. Until I finally bought some Gas X, and it seemed to help. Give it a try, good luck to you!!
   — Lisa1212

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