i have a one inch opening in my inscion that has be leaking aolt and is uncomfortable
— moleman2424 (posted on June 24, 2009)
June 24, 2009
As a nurse I am telling you that you need to contact the surgeon that done
your surgery or go to the ER. That happened to me on my first surgery and
they called it a seroma. I had to do what is called wet-to-dry dressings
until it healed, but you really should contact your surgeon right away.
— southerngeorgiagirl
June 24, 2009
Nurse Dorothy has it right! You don't wanna take chances with that.
— PaulaJ
June 24, 2009
Please listen to the advice of the others and call the Dr immediately.
Having had a 3 of these I can tell you that they only progress and get
worse. You will probably have to do the packing and dressing thing like the
others said. I cannot stress this enough- CALL THE DOCTOR. Hope you feel
— ceecee127
June 24, 2009
listen to the others I my self had to go to the hospital every day fot 3
and 1/2 weeks to have it wet and dry packed was apain in the butt but so
worth it I had alot of draing to but it will get better
— angelscentt
June 25, 2009
My recommendation would be to follow everyone suggestions...go see your
surgeon. I had this happen and it ended up being a stitch that my body was soon as that was removed the hole healed shut..see your
— Clarice Shaw
June 25, 2009
I had the same thing happen and had a seroma also. It had to be drained
and was really no big deal. I did not have to pack anything and just let
it drain as my surgeon told me to. It healed very nicley.
— MegLynnFinn
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