Does anyone have trouble telling if they are full?

I have trouble tellin if I am full. I ahd my surgery on 1/14/09 and am on the soft food diet, Ieat betweena 1/4 cup and a 1/3 cuo if food. Am I eating too much?    — jenwalton16 (posted on February 18, 2009)

February 18, 2009
I had mine on jan.9th 2009 and i cant tell if i am full eighter just keep eating the right soft food and ask your doctor what he think. I have lost 32 pounds how are you doing
   — rks106403

February 19, 2009
I had my surgery on 1/15/09 and at first I was having that problem, then I wasn't, now I am again. It's wierd, some days it seems like I can eat a lot, but others its as if I can hardly get anything down. The "full" feeling is like a lump in your chest. It feels like you have something "stuck". When I do get that feeling, it hits me fast, sometimes in mid bite. Even though I can't always tell when I'm full I stop cause I know I should. I must be doing things right because I've lost 31 lbs so far! How much have you lost?
   — iowamom

February 19, 2009
I'm not sure which surgery you had. I didn't have problems learning. You sound like you are eating the right amount. At 2 months, I was told I could eat 1 cup at each meal. I still don't eat that much. I think it's good you haven't hit that full point because it means you are probably doing what you are suppose to. If not, feel free to send me an email. If there is something else that's up. Best Wishes, Corina
   — Corina C

February 23, 2009
I had surgery on 1/14/09 as well. Initially I felt like I was always hungery and it took a couple of weeks for me to realize that it was psychological hunger as opposed to a physical appetite. I realized that I have to recondition myself to not respond to a "habit" of eating. Gum chewing helped that 2nd and 3rd week.
   — Just_L

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