What is a safe stool softener that can be used daily???

   — gigi_c (posted on October 2, 2008)

October 2, 2008
I use a fibre drink that is sugarfree (Metamucil). I just mix with water and drink. Keeps soft and regular.
   — jennifer1976

October 2, 2008
My surgeon told me the same thing. He said "Colace." Colace is sold at most pharmacies, Wal-Mart, etc. Wal-mart has it in Generic brand too, which is cheaper.
   — Gina S.

October 2, 2008
My surgeon told me the same thing. He said "Colace." Colace is sold at most pharmacies, Wal-Mart, etc. Wal-mart has it in Generic brand too, which is cheaper. Colace is a stool softener, but it's not a "laxative" which is a good thing because the bod can become addicted/dependent upon laxatives, whereas stool softeners don't produce that effect.
   — Gina S.

October 2, 2008
My Dr. prescribes a prenatal vitamin for almost all of his post-operative patients and it has a stool softener right in it. The name of the vitamins is called Pre-Care Premier prenatal vitamins.
   — katiecakes

October 2, 2008
I used Miralax in the beginning. Easy to take in just a few ounces of water. Now, I take generic Senna with a stool softener at night before bed and that seems to work. I cut the pills in half so that I'm sure I get the medication, as it has a heavy coating on it. Good Luck!
   — Shirley D.

October 2, 2008
I've tried stool softeners, and they're OK, but many physicians warn agains stool softeners or laxatives for long term usage. The stool softeners stopped working for me after a few months. I now use an herbal tea for "more natural" mornings. Seems to work well. I take it at about 10 PM each night, and the next AM, no issues. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

October 3, 2008
   — .Anita R.

October 3, 2008
Take it!! It won't hurt, and you don't want pressure around the stitches, or a bad digestive problem. You need to get rid of waste ASAP. I also stay on it several months after any surgery.
   — Barb McGraw

October 3, 2008
i buy the walmart brand of stool softener WITHOUT the stimulant in it -- read the package and be careful -- been taking them for 2 years without a problem -- 2 a day -- good luck
   — RCassety

October 3, 2008
HI! My husband and I use Benefiber. It comes in a green plastic container and it's great. It's in a powder form and it dissolves in liquid. I put it in my coffee in the morning and my husband bought these little individual flavored tea's that are put out by Benefiber, he loves it!
   — MySonsMama

October 3, 2008
The only actual "stool softener" I am aware of is Colace (generic name is docusate or docusate sodium). Some companies mix it with a laxative... so make sure you are getting one that is just stool softener. Fiber acts as a stool softener too, but is usually categorized as "fiber supplement" or "fiber laxative"... these include Benefiber, Fibersure, Metamucil, Psyllium, etc. You might want to check with your doctor and see if he has any preference. Some fibers can cause gas but this can usually be avoided by starting with 1/4 - 1/2 the recommended dose and increasing it gradually. Stool softeners and fiber supplements are both safe to take daily over longterm. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

October 3, 2008
My doctor had also told me Colace. It is more gentle on the tummy
   — tysweetpea

October 3, 2008
I use the benefiber supplement. I put it in any drinks, pudding cups, jello, different foods and it dissolve without an after taste. It works well for me.
   — Toby2

October 5, 2008
my Dr. has given me Miralax or the generic is ( Polyethylene Glycol ) most ins. will pay for the generic, even though it is over the counter. It works really well !
   — pam74

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