I am 5 1/2 weeks out from gastric bypass. I have stopped losing weight.

I have even gained a few pounds. It is really wearing me down. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone through this?    — vegastina (posted on September 25, 2008)

September 25, 2008
It's normal. It's just your body adjusting. It thinks you're starving so it's holding on to everything. Happens to everyone on & off thru the process. Just stay focused and you will start losing again. Don't let it discourage you. Good Luck!
   — AprilJM

September 25, 2008
Go through this all the June 28th....lost 40 lbs so far...depending on the day!!!! Up and down like a yo yo....the real way to tell is in your clothes.....I started at 248 and I am 208 one day and 213 the next but I'm a size 14 to 16 from a Size 22 at the Penningtons so that is my measuring stick. I don't pay too much attention to the'll find that in two weeks or so you'll drop like 5 lbs all a sudden.....remember if you average 2 lbs per week you're doing good!!!! I know I'm not gaining weight due to food because I can barely get in 600 calories a advice....don't pay any attention to the scale!!!!!
   — Fredricka MacLean

September 25, 2008
Hang in there and be sure to get all the fluids in. The gains don't stay there long. I know they are frustrating - I have been there.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 25, 2008
These plateaus are normal and actually very important for your body to adjust. I suggest journaling your intake and adjust as needed, change up your exercise routine by surprising your muscles in doing something new, lots of water, increase protein, avoid the scales and celebrate non-scale victories. Try to stay positive and focused on the future and be thankfull for this blessing you have. So many people need this life saving surgery and for one reason or another, can't get it. Hang in there, Dawn
   — DawnVic

September 25, 2008
Forgot to add- no more than 30 gms carbs per day. Focus on protein and veggies. Carbs are bad! Dawn Vickers
   — DawnVic

September 25, 2008
You will find that you never think you are loosing enough weight. I am 7 months post op and down 117 lbs. If you weight everyday it will look like you have gained a pound here and there. I get frustrated with it. My advise is be patient and most of all ... take lots of "after" pics. I feel like I have changed very little even though I have lost so much weight. Post new pics this week and compared them to my first pics and was shocked at how huge I was!!! Keep up the good work ... start exercising .. this will help build muscle and burn off more of that unwanted fat. Tammy from TX
   — Tammy Cardwell

September 25, 2008
EVERYONE GOES THROUGH IT! I changed up my routine and started drinking K2O protein water and the weight started coming off again. Plateaus happen to everyone. I was surprized that they happen to us (WLS), but they do. Don't get depressed (easier said then done, I know from experience). Change something that you're doing (that your body has gotten used to) and you should past this plateau.
   — pattschiele

September 26, 2008
Try to wean yourself off the scale and only weigh every couple of days or once a week. Bouncing around is common - could be water retention or a list of other possibilities. More importantly, don't go by the notion that you will lose in a set pattern. Everyone is different, and while we all would love to lose weight consistently, it rarely happens that way. Patience is key! You may also want to evaluate what you are truly taking in each day (use or Sometimes we think we are getting in a certain amount and surprised when we actually journal it. Are you eating soups or foods with lots of sodium? And are you slowly building up your exercise? Exercise is really important to get things moving after surgery!
   — gonnadoit

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