Getting mild sweats
I am 3 1/2 months out since surgery and the last week or so I have begun to sweat a little when I eat. No nausea or cramping, just noticed that I start to sweat mildly when I eat. Any one had this or venture to guess whats up? I don't think it is anything to worry about, just wondering any possibilities of what it might be. — Jeanne Aldrich (posted on May 24, 2008)
May 24, 2008
hi - sweating while eating after wls indicates you are eating too fast.
remember its one bite every 5-10 minutes per your surgeons orders. try
slowing down and see if you stop sweating. god luck
cindi -230#
— DollyDoodles
May 24, 2008
I have had this happen, a fine sheen of sweat all over my body...and
afterwards I always have pouch pain and want to lie down. I figured it was
either eating too fast or eating too much. The message above confirms that
it seems. When I do slow down significantly I neither sweat nor have pain.
— Gena L.
May 25, 2008
It is one of two things. You are eating something that is sticking or
blocking the passage to your gut, or you are not chewing your food very
good. The other issue is you just are still pushing it down. Turn off the
TV, close the door at work and just relax and then slowly eat your meal and
chew every bith 50 times, before you swallow. Enjoy, there is not that
much so take your time. Meals should last 20-25 minutes, and be served on
a very small plate to look bigger to you.
Best of Success to you.
— William (Bill) wmil
May 25, 2008
I also do this if I have eaten even just a little too much. The one time I
really ate too fast and too much, I poured sweat off me right before I
threw up. Once is all it took. Now I listen to the signals and GO SLOW.
— corky1057
May 27, 2008
I concur with all the above answers! This can happen when eating too much
or too fast. It can also happen if you eat just a small amount of
something you're not supposed to (ie: sweets, fats or fried foods). Been
there, done that! Eating large quanties of "bad foods" can cause
dumping, but just a hint of something can cause what I like to call
"pre-dumping" symptoms! Best of luck to you and Happy Losing!!!
— pam2007
May 27, 2008
Eating too much! Slow down...Listen to your belly and stop eating as soon
as you feel satisfied...You seem to be eating to the beginning stages of
dumping...this will eventaiully lead to weight gain if you don't begin to
recognize when to stop eating or not chewing your food enough too.
— .Anita R.
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