I am trying to decide which to have the lap band or the gastric bypass

I consider myself a binge eater. I maynot eat all day but when I eat dinner I will gorge. If your that kind of eater which do you think would be the best tool.    — pugsley101 (posted on May 23, 2008)

May 23, 2008
I would choose the Duodenal Switch.
   — SameButDifferent

May 23, 2008
I think the lap RNY is probably your best bet ... Your intake is so much more restricted ... You will learn real fast that you can't binge unless you enjoy puking.
   — lauren_marie

May 23, 2008
I think you should consider that there are more choices than just lapband and rny. DS has been offered as an option and there is also vsg. Do more research and when you have discovered the right surgery for you- you will know.
   — Kristin B.

May 23, 2008
definitely gastric bypass...i used to do the same thing you a year later i'm 140lbs less and feel great! besides with the lapband you keep having to go back for fills every couple of months which is a pain in the tucous!
   — lizzie42

May 23, 2008
I was a binge eater myself and would gorge at dinner. Had laparoscopic RNY 4/21/08....NO MORE GORGING! You will get that same "full" feeling on a minimal amount of food. If you over-do-it on the amount, believe me the "pouch" will reject it and let you know when "enough is enough"!!! I have no regrets, this was the best choice for me...being a post binge eater.
   — Momof2gr8kdz

May 23, 2008
RNY--with your eating habits, lap band will probably not work very well. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

May 23, 2008
RNY creates a pouch that is hard to strech, where lap band is just strapping part of the top of your stomach. You can not strech the pouch in RNY that ewasly so I would suggest it. It also has a much better record for losing all your weight than Lab Band. Talk to your doctor and tell him al your issues and ask his advise. He will be the real support for your going forward, but we all are here to support you what ever your choiice. Bill
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 24, 2008
I could also go without eating for periods of time, but when I did eat, I would eat A LOT. I had the VSG, which I love, and am doing great. You can eat most of what you want without the malabsorption issues, just very little of it. At least check it out.
   — corky1057

May 24, 2008
I had lap band because I was a bulk eater. I would sit at dinner have 2-3 helpings then continue eating the evening away. I have lost 80 lb since my surgery 4/19/07.
   — Donna O.

May 24, 2008
Another consideration is whether or not you're big on sweets. If you love sweets, like ice cream, cake, chocolate, you should consider the RNY because Lap Band is not totally effective in preventing people from eating sweet things... I was addicted to sweets and had the RNY thank God, now I don't eat sweets because I can't, they will make me sick if I do, which is a good thing - I don't eat them. With Lap Band it's just too easy to drink a milk shake or eat a bowl of ice cream or chocolate candy.
   — Gina S.

May 26, 2008
I was a binge eater too - and the RNY bypass is like a miracle. I'm one of the lucky ones that DOESN'T dump on sugars, but my addictions to sugars, breads, etc, is all but GONE. Especially the breads and stuff -- it's complicated to eat it, it fills me up too fast, and I find I just don't WANT it anymore. Same with large portions -- I can still eat whatever I like, but I find myself full very quickly, and now that I'm focused on taking in proteins and food that "pays off" nutritionally, my choices are HEALTHY ones. And I'm only four months out! It's the best thing I've ever done for my health.
   — crydecker

May 26, 2008
I am going to have the bypass on June 3rd. I chose that over the lapband for just about the same reasons as others who are adicted to sweets. I need the dicipline and I actually HOPE that sugar makes me sick...then I won't even try to touch it. But also, I am 50 yrs old and when I went to the seminar where I heared all the info from the experts, one think I picked up on is that the lapband has not been done for that long in this country. They have no idea how the material will fare 20 or 30 years from now - whether or not it will break down or be rejected. In 20 years, I will be 70 and don't want to have to worry about having more surgery.
   — Marianne R.

May 26, 2008
Lap RNY is the best in my opinion. I know people that had the band and have not lost all of there weight and they eat like crazy. With RNY you have the extra tool of dumpong to let you know you over did it. I am almost 5 yrs out and I still dump. Not bad. I feel crappy for aboput 30-45 minutes and then I am good. I was going to do the band but I didnt want to have to go for fills and I wanted to lose weight quick. The band you dont lose as quick and I wanted to make sure I can keep it off. With that said even if you have bypass and dont do what the dr says you will gain weight
   — Joanc

May 27, 2008
Sorry I'm a little late to respond...was away for the weekend...But I wanted to add something that no one menntioned and that that is that no matter what surgery you have, YOU MUST CHANGE how you eat. No matter what...Plain and simple. If you do not think that you can give up certain foods such as sweets and carbs,(breads, pasta, rice, potatoes) And anything in between...get the DS...If you want a stricter more healthy diet and plan on eating proteins and veggies and complex carbs...Go for the RNY...If you only have a small amount to lose go for the Lapband. BUT...Research it all first as this is only what "I" would have done personally...I chose RNY because I enjoy healthy eating and before RNY even at 315lbs...I ate organics and watched my sugar intake. Carbs were a problem for me...but I had the RNY KNOWING I would give up carbs..Was never a sweets eater...Breads and pastas were my trouble foods. I did very well with the RNY and now with hindsight, I think I would not change a thing...although DS does have quite a bit more freeedom to eat and I am a foodie... I Love everything...I also have quite a bit of self control so RNY worked for me and continues to work four years later...You have to decide how strong you are and what you want...and be honest with yourself. Good luck! Eitehr will have to make changes...such as taking vitamins and supplements daily...forever...and eating on a schedule...and drinking water...and exercising...It's all a part of what makes your tools work...and continue to work...
   — .Anita R.

May 27, 2008
I would suggest the gastric bypass have more of a chance to lose more weight, but mind you if you tend to eat foods that are wrong for you and so long after the surgery you go back to eating some of them foods and you eat too much you will gain your weight back.
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

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