Bowel Movement

I have a resolve to my question pertaining to post op bowel movement. Dr. Jean-Baptiste is amazing. Prior to surgery, I had to fast w/liquids for 1 day, the next day was liquids w/citrate of magnesium for breakfast. It was the most unbearable thing to enter my body, and it was grape flavored. I am now 5 dys post op & doing lovely. I just began a full liquid diet today, nonfat milk w/protein powder, sugar free pudding, yogurt, etc. My bowel movement was the same as it after I drank the Citrate. Anyone who is constipated post op, it is probably due to the Percocet or Oxecodone. Percocet is fanominously known for causing constipation. I had no pain; irgo, I had no need for pain medication. I had a tremendously blessed surgery and recovery, Bypass chick.    — bypasschick (posted on March 15, 2008)

March 15, 2008
Congratulations on your surgery, first off. And then, thanks for the info re: resolving your constipation problem. I am 7 months post-op so have no problems in that area but I am sure someone newly post-op or pre-op will benefit from your comments. Just one thing, could you please check your spelling before posting? Perhaps it is just that you are not a good typist. By the way, it is spelled "ergo" not "irgo." "Oxycodone" "famously" and not "fanominously." Maybe English is not your first language. I don't mean to be critical or nasty, it is just that I am amazed at how poorly Americans spell! Good luck with your recovery. You will be amazed at how marvelous you will feel, though it is not an easy journey.
   — cherub13

March 15, 2008
Gretchen...Congrats on having everything go so smoothly. Many that are considering surgery love to hear the positive, as the negatives tend to be very prevalent with this type of surgery. I hope that things continue to go along well for you as your new body emerges as well as your new life! Hugs and best wishes. comment on the person that felt the arrogant need to offer criticism regarding your spelling errors. Well, here's where we need to practice some tolerance and understand that not everyone sits around with their dictionary in hand checking things before sending them off. In fact, there isn't spell check with the venue I'm using to post right now, and I'm not concerned at all about whether or not my spelling is correct...and I'm certainly not worried about my grammer. In fact, I think it's down right rude to even tell someone that was just trying to get a positive message across to everyone, that they were inaccurate or perhaps this wasn't even "their first language". So tell your story...and you do it the way you want... because most intelligent people get the gist, and haven't a care in the world as to whether or not you SPELLED it correctly. We're smart enough to figure it out for ourselves. Once again....hugs and continued success!. Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

March 15, 2008
Congratulations on your success! And by the way, I agree completely with Cheryl. Some people are rude. My surgery is set for Monday, March 17 and I'm so excited although I haven't enjoyed the liquid diet and bowel prep. I know it will be so worth it. Best of luck and take care, Michelle Hinton

March 15, 2008
There are many of use that make post that have spelling errors, so don't feel alone. I use to take the time to double check everything, but I find a few spelling werrors allow me to reply to more inquires. I had the same stuff before surgery and I actually had diearia for about two weeks after. Glad you are doing well and let us know how your weight loss goes. --Bill
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 15, 2008
I wonder if Allison has proof read her profile. I found 3 errors. I am pre-op for bypass and have been lurking on here for a few months. My surgery is March 25 and I find that 98% of the people that respond here are positive and truly want to help others. I feel since being here I am more knowledgeable that I was before and I am thankful for that. Wish everyone could be positive because we all need each other. I hope that the negative responses don't scare people away. Thanks for posting your suggestions. Bev
   — KajunMomX3

March 16, 2008
Gretchen - Congrats on your achievement...(did I spell that right?) You are doing just marvelous darling and don't pay any attention to the nasty one more thing comment.... Didn't know we were having a spelling quiz. Guess some people are just not busy enough and if we were all perfect we wouldn't be emailing each other in the first place. If you get my drift. :) Anyway, keep up the good work and follow what they tell you and you will continue to do just great.
   — niecie54

March 17, 2008
Congrats. and I hope you continue to do well. I agree with Beverly Lohr. I fell that I have gotten great advice from here. I don't spell so well and have been afaid to post because of this. I am hoping to have a surgury date this week. I hope that all gose as well as yours did.
   — ronni5468

March 18, 2008
Alison, you are the perfect idiot..leave people to ask their questions without an insult...who are you to correct anyone..the spelling police? Get a life and concentrate on losing weight..isn't that what we are all here for? Gretchen, I am so sorry but she annoyed answer your question, I have been having that sought of problem myself..i am 3 weeks post op and finally went last night...i am not taking any of those meds though...congrats and best of luck to all...God Bless..even you Alison
   — nzuri33

March 18, 2008
Alison, you are the perfect idiot..leave people to ask their questions without an insult...who are you to correct anyone..the spelling police? Get a life and concentrate on losing weight..isn't that what we are all here for? Gretchen, I am so sorry but she annoyed answer your question, I have been having that sought of problem myself..i am 3 weeks post op and finally went last night...i am not taking any of those meds though...congrats and best of luck to all...God Bless..even you Alison
   — nzuri33

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