most weight regained

I know I'm proximal transected - not stapled - so that's not the problem. I started out at 5'1" 205, lost 100lbs, and now I'm back up to 165. I drink alot of carbonated drinks, so I know I stretched my pouch. Is it at all possible to get it back to where it was??? I'm not yet over 40 BMI, but is it possible I can get a revision/DS or lap band in addition to RNY? I have Fed BC/BS. One last question - do you know if FED BC/BS basic covers DS yet? I know they didn't 5 years ago... Thank you so much!!! ANY and ALL help is needed!!!    — jengrz (posted on October 23, 2007)

October 23, 2007
Standard and Basis Fed BCBS covers "gastric restrictive procedure, gastric malabsortive procedure, and combined gastric restrictive and malabsorbtive procedure" to treat morbid obesity in an individual whose BMI is 40 or more or is 35 or more with comorbidities who has failed conservative treatment. Check out You can call your local BCBS plan administrator to find out if DS is covered.
   — Meezer Mom

October 23, 2007
have you tried the cottage cheese test to see how much you can really eat? might be the content rater than volume issue
   — bob-haller

October 23, 2007
Hello-Look into the stomafix (sp.?) precedure. They go down the esophagus and make the pouch smaller. There is a good chance your pouch is not stretched though. Stop the pop now--do not drink with meals--and test and see if it is stretched. Good luck, Christine
   — Christine M.

October 23, 2007
I have seen them pay for revision to distal RNY (as in really distal, not just a longer proximal) and not make a person regain the full 100#. The carbonated drinks---were they diet? If not, it was sugar that put the wt on. The idea that carbonation stretches the pouch is fairly recent, so back in the olden days, we drank diet. I still have restriction and I'm 13 yrs out. Not like new, true, but ONE egg, with 1 bacon, for example. I never was a grazer, so didn't stretch it that way. Still, at first I couldn't eat a whole egg until I was 9 months out! Just for an example. I can eat one pork chop, a little of the sides. I don't know how much you're eating. If you are looking at your pouch, ask yourself how long the meal stays with you? Are you eating, feel full, wait, eat more (grazing)? Are you eating sugar? Don't answer me, answer you. If those are the issues, changing to a short common channel will help... but only at first, and if you go back to bad habits (not saying you have them!!), you'll regain even from the most radical surgery............ how do you think I know this? :-(
   — vitalady

October 23, 2007
Wow - thanks everybody! I can eat TONS more than 1 egg and 1 slice of bacon! BTW - I'm trying the cottage cheese test today (thanks). But basically, I can eat for example, a turkey club in one sitting - and still not feel overstuffed. This is scaring me. Michelle C - Do I still have to be over 35 BMI w/cormids for a revision to distal or would 32 BMI be considered??? Is that Stomax (sp?) covered by ANY insurance yet?
   — jengrz

October 24, 2007
Jennifer, check with a bariatric surgeon BEFORE you expend any more energy or anxiety over needing another surgery!!! Like the previous post - you must check out the new Stomaphyx procedure. Even if not covered by insurance (you must call your insurance plan to find out specifics of coverage); the procedure is done in an outpatient setting, therefore should not be prohibitive in cost. Another note if I may, your 100lb weight loss is far ABOVE the expected norms. Congratulations. However, current research indicates that at 5 years out the majority will have regained approximately 10%. At this point, monitoring your intake and going back to the basics will most likely put you back on track. Good Luck to you. I am a post op and also a director of a bariatric program. Feel free to contact me. Cindy in TX
   — Cindy O.

October 24, 2007
Jennifer, check with a bariatric surgeon BEFORE you expend any more energy or anxiety over needing another surgery!!! Like the previous post - you must check out the new Stomaphyx procedure. Even if not covered by insurance (you must call your insurance plan to find out specifics of coverage); the procedure is done in an outpatient setting, therefore should not be prohibitive in cost. Another note if I may, your 100lb weight loss is far ABOVE the expected norms. Congratulations. However, current research indicates that at 5 years out the majority will have regained approximately 10%. At this point, monitoring your intake and going back to the basics will most likely put you back on track. Good Luck to you. I am a post op and also a director of a bariatric program. Feel free to contact me. Cindy in TX
   — Cindy O.

October 24, 2007
I am sorry if this comes off as me trying to flame, it's really not my intention to do so.... Before you attempt a revision you may want to put some serious thought into what got you where you are now. Are you willing to make the needed diet/behavior changes to be successful if you go ahead with a revision? Surgery is painful, a physical risk and expensive; Why go through it and to return to your(our) old ways? I am definitely not perfect and catch myself doing really stupid stuff at almost 2yrs out. I struggle with willpower ever day to. Again I am not trying to be mean, the only reason I brought it is because I didn't see that anyone else had. Best wishes and good luck on whatever you choose.
   — tazthewiz23

October 24, 2007
Heather, thank you - you're not being mean. I guess I'm just afraid that it's just too late to fix what I already screwed up without surgical intervention. I'm just praying that if I go back to basics (I'll be starving in the meantime), that maybe, just maybe, I can at least shrink my pouch some. Thank you for all of your help, though!
   — jengrz

October 24, 2007
hi Jennifer, the key here is eating a proper diet. which is high fiber (fiber one cereal, apples, whole grains, lentils, legumes) , high protein and low carbs/nonfat carbs and alots of water and exercise for 1 hour cardio everyday. This works. Promise yourself to do this . Fiber and protein will not make u hungry and carry a bottle of water with u constantly. You can have a cheat day once a week. This will surely work . I am just 7 and half mos out and lost 140lbs . Doing great. feeling on top of this world. Make a fix routine and it will work for you. Goodluck.
   — mrjack

October 24, 2007
Jennifer, I am 3 years out and have been in your shoes. I was noncompliant and gain some of my weight back. Like you, I was afraid that I had stretched my pouch. I did two things -- I read the article by Kathy Bailey, "After Gastric Bypass --Have I Broken My Pouch". (You can easily find it on the internet) I followed her 5 day eating plan and realized I had NOT broken it. The second thing I did was the cottage cheese test. My pouch still only held 5 oz! Needless to say, as soon as I went back to the basics of no drinking before or after meals, solid protein first, cut out carbs and fat as much as possible, stopped eating when I started to feel full, and stop eating regardless after 15 minutes. I turned it around and lost the weight. Give it try!
   — SAChick

October 25, 2007
Well I gained upwards of 40 pounds in one year since my gastric bypass in 4/05. I am now seeking a revision to a DS for a more qualified, dignified way of living. I am sick and tired of diets and that is what the gastric bypass is with a ton of cardio. I cannot do that kind of workout because of spinal stenosis. A little walking every day, maybe, but not an hour or uipwards of cardio. I found out by research that with the DS you eat more like a normal person, no dumping, and you can eat what you want in moderation. You can take NSAIDS, no ulcer or stoma problems. I definitely want the DS, the only way to go for me. Now that medicare pays for it, most insurance companies have followed suit and will certainly pay. Call and ask them.
   — KRWaters

October 25, 2007
Thank you so much for the info. The 5 day diet idea is great! Thank you so much everyone for listening! I'm trying so much
   — jengrz

October 26, 2007
Hi Jennifer! I am somewhat in the same boat as you. I just have never lost all that I wanted to lose. My Dr said if ever I started gaining or couldn't lose to return to step 1. Yup you heard me right! Step 1! That means this morning I had a shake. I mix it myself with nonfat milk (doesn't bother me) and a scoop of protien. Lots of water. And then shake for lunch. I am trying to go back to liquids at least for the next 3 weeks just like surgery. This will not only allow you to get your protein in but also help shrink your pouch. You will also be starving yourself of all that stuff you dont need. You know what they say, if you haven't had it in a long time, you wont miss it. That is my goal too. And then when you start going back to solids after a couple of weeks like you did out of surgery, eat what the DR SAID!!! Protein, 2 bits of veggies and 1 bite carb. Sometimes we have to return to kindergarten to relearn everything :) good luck to you. If you would like to stay in touch, shoot me an email. Support helps too! Smiles, Chantel
   — Tizzle13

October 26, 2007
Id didn't have a RNY but absolutely give up the carbonated drinks immediately. They are the worst. it is not the caffein that is necissarily bad for us, but the carbonation is horrible for us even if we haven't had WLS. To kick start your weight loss again, try the liver shrinking diet, that you probably had to do before surgery. I did a modified adkins.....I drank all the crystal light,, sobe lean, fuze, etc that I wanted, plus ate any and all protein bars and low carb russel stover candy that I wanted. I just made sure that I didn't take more than 40 grams of carbs a day, and in 2 weeks, I lost 27 lbs. I am going back on this to help re-start my loss again. Best of luck, I know that getting back on the horse is scary after you feel like you have been kicked in the teeth. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know how hard it is to face the deamon again after we thought that we had slayed the dragon. I had to have my band removed in sep, becasue of dr incompetence when they pulled my stomach back through my band when they did a scope, so I am now back to square one, out the money and having to do the fight on my own again so I totaly feel for you. Just remember the basics and know that you have all the support you need here....
   — mccabesmom

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