lapband fills

Has any one after lapband surgery been tighter at night then in the morning.I got my third fill on Tues.I got to eat regular food today,I didnt notice any more restriction,but I think I do tonight with out even eating.I have heard of people being tighter in the morning.Sandy Hanson    — Sandy Hanson (posted on July 12, 2007)

July 12, 2007
Sandy, I have noticed that some times my band fills tighter than at others. There are days when I just cant stand to eat, mainly because I am NOT hungry. There are normal days, and then there are days when it seems like I can eat more than I should be able to. I just take it that everthing is changing in our bodies, and we are not the same every day. We all cycle, and that goes with eathing as well. BUT... be careful if you ever get to the point where you have your perfect fill level, you are doing great and then all of a sudden you can not eat or drink anything without it coming back up as fast as it went down. Here is a tip...I just had bronchitis, pnemonia and an inner ear infection and my back felt like someone had punched me as hard as they could right in the middle of my shoulder blades. The Dr's just kept telling me that it was because of my band, and the nausia would go away. And that I had just strained the muscles im my back from all of the vomiting I had been doing. after 5 days in the hospital without any improvement, I checked myself out, went home and decided to clear all of the other aliment up as best as I could naturally . Finally, I did what I wanted to do in the first place and called my Chiropractor. If he could'nt help me, I was going to consider emptying my band until we figured everything out, (I hadent' been able to keep anything down for almost 2 weeks) Water included. This is a HUGE decision because I have been so SUCCESSFUL. I have lost a total of 105 lbs since March 15 2007!!!!!!! So the thought of delaying my progress and having any chance to regress was horrifying. Well, my chiropractor did the shock therapy thing, while I laid on a roller table with a HOT heating pad. Then when I explaned to him EVERYTHING that had been going on, he just shook his head and said, next time.....listen to your body. If your back is throbbing, there IS something wrong! He explaned how each of vertebrae works for each part of the body and my T-6 zone was WAY out. I have never had my back pop like that ever. Almost immediately I felt different. I have to go in for a few more adjustments here this next week, but the T-6 vertebra controls our swallowing etc...I can now eat. I went back to the liquid only and will stay here for at least the remainder of the weekend. Only because I know that I have irritated my band and I want it to heal properly and I WON'T do anything to sabotage my weight loss. If I can get anything out to anyone, it is to listen to your bodies, if a DR keeps telling you that it is you band and you know that it is different, DO NOT be afraid to look at other alternatives, although others may think you are out of your mind. I am out of my mind, I am out of the unhappy, fat disgusted with life mind and have found the one that I lost when I found all of those lbs....Life is beautiful. Best of luck and If you have any ?'s or want to talk, let me know.....
   — mccabesmom

July 12, 2007
Hey Sandy. Right now I'm tighter in the morning, but I have experienced being tighter in the evening. I have never been able to discern a pattern with this thing. The funniest things can affect your restriction. Like I always say (actually, I just thought of it this minute, but I will be saying it from now on) if you are a Band patient, make friends with change. ;) Good luck!
   — Jeanie

July 12, 2007
I too have noticed constent change. I can be tight one morning and not the next, or tight one evening and not the next. I just remind myself, I know I am not ating anywhere near what I used to eat. I used to be able to eat 3 plates of food and at meal, now, I am good to be able to eat 1 child size plate. Major difference. Remember that we need to listen to our bodies. Which is really hard for some of us who are emotional eaters anyway. Good Luck!
   — Marie B.

July 13, 2007
Mine is usually tighter in the A.M so all I seem to be able to get down is one of those small cups of Activia and usually start with a cup of coffee before eating anything. But it appears as though everyone experiences something different. I've found that no matter what, I NEED to slow down, take little bites and chew, chew, chew!
   — Debra R.

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